2012 Treasurer's report
The subscriptions have increased by £70 but there is a decrease in general donations of £534. The tax refunds have subsequently decreased by £148 .
The subscriptions, donations and interest have covered our running expenses with a surplus of £554.
The income from events exceeded the expenses by £440 because of the anniversary talks in the Arts Centre.
Because of the above, the general balance in hand has increased by £994 to £6440. Donations have been received specifically for the Sundial project and, so far theses have exceeded expenses by £465. This amount is in addition to the above balance.
The Receipts and Payments Account for year ended 31st July 2012 is here.
Martin Grimes 22.8.12.
The subscriptions, donations and interest have covered our running expenses with a surplus of £554.
The income from events exceeded the expenses by £440 because of the anniversary talks in the Arts Centre.
Because of the above, the general balance in hand has increased by £994 to £6440. Donations have been received specifically for the Sundial project and, so far theses have exceeded expenses by £465. This amount is in addition to the above balance.
The Receipts and Payments Account for year ended 31st July 2012 is here.
Martin Grimes 22.8.12.