Past events
Here's a brief review of our past events, going back to 2007, to give you a flavour of what you may have missed.
October: Our AGM was well attended and was followed by a very interesting talk given by the Joe Whitehead, Head Gardener at Burghley who was armed with plenty of photographs and stories of what happens behind the scenes at Burghley to make it the great attraction that it is.
May: Philippa Massey presented an intriguing and astonishing documentation about how it was, way back then. The courts and yards were tightly packed housing, often tucked away down little alleys and behind the main streets of the town. They were generally built to provide dwellings for the working class, and an income for their owners, but also for other reasons.
December: Our Christmas Social event was a light-hearted evening held at Browne’s Hospital, when we had a fun evening with the well-known local auctioneer, David Palmer, who gave us information, anecdotes and tales connected to items that members had brought for him to see. The roaring fire, mince pies and a glass of wine made this a fun Christmas event.
November: we held a meeting for members to hear from an officer from Heritage Lincolnshire. She gave us an illustrated talk about the architectural styles of buildings and construction in the County. Again, an interesting and informative evening for those members who were present.
October: Following the AGM we had a talk from the newly appointed Heritage Officer, who told us about the Town Council’s plans for a new Museum in Stamford. We learnt that this will be a lengthy process that will involve the Town Council devising a series of policies and strategies to underpin their application for Museum status and eventually recognition. We understand that this process has commenced, and we await further developments with interest.
September: We hosted an enthralling and very informative talk at the Town Hall when Rhiannnon Clarricoates from Lincoln University gave us a talk about the conservation techniques used to clean and preserve the Mayoral Board in the Court Room at the Town Hall. Unfortunately, this event was not attended by many of our members, but they surely missed a very good evening.
May: Our Coronation Best Shop Window and children’s Spot the Difference competition proved hugely successful mainly due to the leadership of Ursula Jones and her team.
Thursday 15 December: Stamford Antiques Roadshow and Christmas Drinks, Stamford Civic Society’s last event of 2022 was a sociable evening for all members on Thursday December 15th. Members were invited to bring one small item to be appraised and commented upon by our well known guest, TV auctioneer David Palmer. David is the experienced and colourful auctioneer who works as a freelance professional and is seen on TV regularly as well as at auctions in the east of England, including Stamford. He discussed the items brought by members in a professional capacity but without giving specific valuations so no one was embarrassed or upset by his comments. Wine and mini mince pies completed the festive spirit!
Thursday 21 July: Men of the Stones Annual Lecture by David Ellis. Under our commitment to ‘The Men of The Stones’ (MoS) group when we brought it under the Civic Society wing, was an annual MoS lecture and this took place on Thursday 21st. July 2022 at Browne’s Hospital where David Ellis gave a talk entitled “The History of Collyweston Slate”. David recounted how he had been a Collyweston Slate man all his working life, starting with a five year apprenticeship when he was 15 years old. He guided us through each step of slate production from the hazardous ‘tunneling’ on hands and knees to prize out the blocks of stone, to the reliance on frosts to facilitate the splitting into slates. With the aid of some very interesting slide pictures he showed how the reputation of the hand crafted durable slate with its unique appearance as a roofing medium had led to its use on many imposing prestige buildings both in the UK and Internationally. A Q&A session that merged into the event’s social element with liquid refreshment and nibbles wrapped up the evening.
Saturday 18 June: Midsummer Party at St Leonard's Priory - We were very lucky with the weather again this year, it was generally a wet day, as we found out at the new Blue Plaque unveilings during the morning! but at a quarter to six it stopped and resumed two hours later – just fitting around our event perfectly. All the relatives/friends of the three new Blue Plaque candidates (Jack Pick, Motor Manufacturer; Colin Dexter, Writer; Harry Burton, International Photographer) were invited to the evening party where we had information display boards for each Plaque and Rob Hadfield and his wife brought along their veteran Pick car which made a good centre piece. With the Blue Plaque interest, a glass of wine and a good size gathering the party soon developed that happy ‘burble’ punctuated by frequent bouts of laughter. The Blue Plaques relatives/friends expressed their appreciation to the Society for pursuing the project and also for the day’s celebratory events, all agreed it had been a most successful and enjoyable day.
October: Our AGM was well attended and was followed by a very interesting talk given by the Joe Whitehead, Head Gardener at Burghley who was armed with plenty of photographs and stories of what happens behind the scenes at Burghley to make it the great attraction that it is.
May: Philippa Massey presented an intriguing and astonishing documentation about how it was, way back then. The courts and yards were tightly packed housing, often tucked away down little alleys and behind the main streets of the town. They were generally built to provide dwellings for the working class, and an income for their owners, but also for other reasons.
December: Our Christmas Social event was a light-hearted evening held at Browne’s Hospital, when we had a fun evening with the well-known local auctioneer, David Palmer, who gave us information, anecdotes and tales connected to items that members had brought for him to see. The roaring fire, mince pies and a glass of wine made this a fun Christmas event.
November: we held a meeting for members to hear from an officer from Heritage Lincolnshire. She gave us an illustrated talk about the architectural styles of buildings and construction in the County. Again, an interesting and informative evening for those members who were present.
October: Following the AGM we had a talk from the newly appointed Heritage Officer, who told us about the Town Council’s plans for a new Museum in Stamford. We learnt that this will be a lengthy process that will involve the Town Council devising a series of policies and strategies to underpin their application for Museum status and eventually recognition. We understand that this process has commenced, and we await further developments with interest.
September: We hosted an enthralling and very informative talk at the Town Hall when Rhiannnon Clarricoates from Lincoln University gave us a talk about the conservation techniques used to clean and preserve the Mayoral Board in the Court Room at the Town Hall. Unfortunately, this event was not attended by many of our members, but they surely missed a very good evening.
May: Our Coronation Best Shop Window and children’s Spot the Difference competition proved hugely successful mainly due to the leadership of Ursula Jones and her team.
Thursday 15 December: Stamford Antiques Roadshow and Christmas Drinks, Stamford Civic Society’s last event of 2022 was a sociable evening for all members on Thursday December 15th. Members were invited to bring one small item to be appraised and commented upon by our well known guest, TV auctioneer David Palmer. David is the experienced and colourful auctioneer who works as a freelance professional and is seen on TV regularly as well as at auctions in the east of England, including Stamford. He discussed the items brought by members in a professional capacity but without giving specific valuations so no one was embarrassed or upset by his comments. Wine and mini mince pies completed the festive spirit!
Thursday 21 July: Men of the Stones Annual Lecture by David Ellis. Under our commitment to ‘The Men of The Stones’ (MoS) group when we brought it under the Civic Society wing, was an annual MoS lecture and this took place on Thursday 21st. July 2022 at Browne’s Hospital where David Ellis gave a talk entitled “The History of Collyweston Slate”. David recounted how he had been a Collyweston Slate man all his working life, starting with a five year apprenticeship when he was 15 years old. He guided us through each step of slate production from the hazardous ‘tunneling’ on hands and knees to prize out the blocks of stone, to the reliance on frosts to facilitate the splitting into slates. With the aid of some very interesting slide pictures he showed how the reputation of the hand crafted durable slate with its unique appearance as a roofing medium had led to its use on many imposing prestige buildings both in the UK and Internationally. A Q&A session that merged into the event’s social element with liquid refreshment and nibbles wrapped up the evening.
Saturday 18 June: Midsummer Party at St Leonard's Priory - We were very lucky with the weather again this year, it was generally a wet day, as we found out at the new Blue Plaque unveilings during the morning! but at a quarter to six it stopped and resumed two hours later – just fitting around our event perfectly. All the relatives/friends of the three new Blue Plaque candidates (Jack Pick, Motor Manufacturer; Colin Dexter, Writer; Harry Burton, International Photographer) were invited to the evening party where we had information display boards for each Plaque and Rob Hadfield and his wife brought along their veteran Pick car which made a good centre piece. With the Blue Plaque interest, a glass of wine and a good size gathering the party soon developed that happy ‘burble’ punctuated by frequent bouts of laughter. The Blue Plaques relatives/friends expressed their appreciation to the Society for pursuing the project and also for the day’s celebratory events, all agreed it had been a most successful and enjoyable day.
Thursday 9 June: The Arts Society - Stamford Heritage Volunteers demonstrated their skills at Stamford Town Hall: documents, maps, charts, books and pamphlets that are in the Stamford Archives at the Town Hall are cared for by this small team of volunteers. These volunteers have been expertly trained by The Arts Society in London so that they have the necessary skills to undertake this vital work which involves, cleaning, repairing and preserving books, maps, charts, documents etc. The team of four volunteers work in partnership with the Archivist, The Town Council and The Arts Society.
Wednesday 18 May: Tour of Stamford Town Hall - The Civic Officer, Mark Murtagh and our Committee Member Penny Rowley shared the guiding duties and attendees found the presentation of the ‘political’ history of Stamford’s Town Hall backed up by the viewing of amazing artefacts extremely entertaining. The presenters’ knowledge and enthusiasm for the Town Hall and its activities were very evident and with their easy presentation style made the whole event most enjoyable.
Thursday 12 May: Visit to Woolsthorpe Manor. What did you do during the Covid pandemic? A small group of Society members and friends were given a fascinating insight into the life and work of Sir Isaac Newton during a visit to Woolsthorpe Manor. The talk concentrated on the discoveries and findings of Newton during his enforced return to his birthplace during the Great Plague 1665-1667. By National Trust standards, Woolsthorpe is quite a small attraction, but it is packed with both social history of the time and a ‘hands-on’ science visitor centre to complement the tour. There is also a café and gift shop.
Thursday 21 April: Talk by Janice Mould: “The Life of Sir Isaac Newton.” Our fourth evening talk at Browne’s Hospital in the 2022 Events Programme took place on Thursday 21st April and was the second in our look into the lives of local world famous personalities. Following the previous month’s examination of the life of Sir Malcolm Sargent, next in the frame was the ‘Life of Sir Isaac Newton’ and who better to deliver that than Janice Mould who for 26 years has been the appointed National Trust Guide for Woolsthorpe Manor, Isaac Newton’s Birthplace and family home. With an excellent slide presentation Janice skilfully guided us through Isaac’s family farming background through some of the challenges of both family life and social pressures that he encountered on the way to establishing himself as one of the greatest mathematics and physicists of all time. Janice wound up her talk with a virtual tour of Woolsthorpe Manor and, all round, her clear and humorous delivery with her obvious great knowledge of her subject made for a most pleasurable evening. During the concluding social part of the evening Members were reminded of the Society’s follow up visit to Woolsthorpe Manor on 12th May 2022.
Thursday 17 March: Talk by Penny Rowley: "The Life of Sir Malcolm Sargent." Members gathered together on the evening of Thursday 17th March 2022 at Browne’s Hospital to listen to a very comprehensive presentation by Civic Society Committee Member Penny Rowley titled ‘The Life of Sir Malcolm Sargent’. Penny, a Town Hall guide, revealed that she had been inspired to research Dr. Sargent by the room dedicated to him within the Town Hall. With the aid of some fascinating slides of past people and buildings she recounted a number of entertaining aspects of Sir Malcolm’s behaviour that did not always align with the photographic portraits we are all familiar with that give the impression of a suave sophisticate with impeccable credentials. Penny observed that he was a handsome and generous man and had little difficulty in attracting the ladies but was a controversial and hard task master. He was not universally popular within his profession and was referred to as ‘Flash Harry’ in some quarters but his flair and passion for music from an early age saw him achieve the highest level of appointments including leader of the D’Oyly Carte Opera Company, Conductor of The Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and Chief Conductor of the Henry Wood Promenade Concerts. Although from a modest Stamford background he was Knighted in 1947 and made a Freeman of the Town in 1948. Following a short Q&A session Members enjoyed a social period helped along with a glass of wine and some nibbles.
Thursday 17 February: Talk by David Baxter: "History of Stamford Hospital." The sustainability of Stamford’s treasured local hospital has been somewhat of an emotive issue with Stamfordians over a number of years so it was of no surprise that David Baxter attracted a sizeable audience to Browne’s Hospital to listen to his talk on ‘The History of Stamford Hospital’. David’s enthusiasm regarding the heritage of the Hospital was evident right from the start with his wide knowledge and some fascinating early sketches and photographs he had ‘unearthed’ during his many hours of research. He had worked for the NHS for some thirty yearsand in retirement had been a leading figure in establishing the Stamford Hospital Museum. So,with the authority of that background, he took us on a journey from the build of the ‘Infirmary’ in 1828 with its ‘provide your own horse and driver’ ambulance and Tuesday only ‘admission’ and ‘discharge’ through various changes in ownership and financial crises to the present day ‘for sale’ status of the original building and surrounding land. All found the talk captivating and David responded to many quests for further information after his talk whilst the usual liquid refreshment and nibbles were enjoyed.
Thursday 20 January: Talk by Keith Hansell: "History of Stamford Postal Service." Despite a distinctly chilly evening, a sizeable group of Members and Guests turned out to attend our first Event of our 2022 ‘bounce–back’ Programme. Following the fading Covid-19 restrictions on our lives, there was an air of quiet satisfaction and relief to be back at our ‘winter home’ of Browne’s Hospital with its blazing open fire and characterful surroundings. With the aid of some fascinating slides, Ex-Postman Keith Hansell gave us an easy to listen to history lecture taking us gently through the various stages in paper communications delivery over the centuries influenced by the developing transport facilities from individual Horse Riders through Coaching, Rail and Road. Keith commented on the really outstanding service that the postal organisation developed citing as examples the single charge for any UK destination, with the introduction of the penny-black stamp, and the social integration of the rural postman into village communities, wryly comparing this with today’s service! After a brief Q&A session an enjoyable evening was brought to a close with a glass of wine and some ‘nibbles’.
Tuesday 19 October: It was a great pleasure to see Members face-to-face this year for our AGM held at Stamford Town Hall – a significant improvement over last year’s virtual ‘seeing and hearing’ but rather lifeless affair. After signing-in, Members were offered pre-meeting liquid refreshments and nibbles before the serious business of the evening. Our Honorary President was unable to be present owing to a previous commitment but sent his best wishes and a message to say how much he appreciated what the Society does for the Town in the way of conservation and enhancement adding that Burghley is proud to be associated with Stamford.
The Chairman gave his report covering the severe interruption to the programme of social events during the pandemic lockdown of the previous eighteen months but also the achievements in ‘non-social’ activities that had been possible particularly in our Urban Group projects and the incorporation of the diminished ‘Men-of-the-Stones’ society into our fold. Following the unfortunate forced retirement of our Treasurer Andrew Moore earlier in the year, our friend and previous Treasurer Martin Grimes volunteered to prepare the year-end accounts and these were adopted.
Three serving Trustees took well earned retirement at the AGM and they were thanked for their contribution over the years. All three generously offered to continue their support for projects they had been involved with and indeed, assist with any new initiatives where their experience would be of value. The remaining seven management Trustees were all re-elected. In respect of the ‘Officers’, the Chairman and Secretary were re-elected but, following the previously mentioned retirement of Treasurer Andrew Moore, an extensive search had failed to secure a Treasurer nomination. Thankfully our ever supportive member and previous Treasurer Martin Lander agreed to let his nomination go forward for the term of 2021/2022 year.
We were pleased to make two ‘Community Awards’ this year to an ancient Stamford institution and to a modern one. The committee wished to recognise the long-standing stewardship of the land to the West of the town centre by the three existing ‘Freemen of Stamford’ and also the major contribution the ‘Pride of Stamford Litter Pickers’ make to the enhancement of Stamford’s appeal. The three ‘Freemen’ and representatives of the Litter Pickers were presented with their framed certificates by the Chairman.
After the formal business of the AGM, Members were invited to take a short break with more refreshments before listening to a very entertaining and informative talk by Robert Loomes on the history of national and local clock making and the start up of his own very successful local Stamford business.
Thursday 9 September: Following a highly successful resumption of ‘post-pandemic’ face-to-face events at St Leonard’s Priory at the end of July, Thursday 9 September 2021 saw members and guests gathering in a sun bathed car park at another outdoor location, Flag Fen. Right from the start there was a distinct air of conviviality and the group eagerly assembled in the reception area to meet our guide. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable and, in a light style, led us through some 4,000 years of activity at the Fen site. We were fascinated by the experience of standing in a ‘meadow’ and listening to details of the activity of ancient tribes and the changing composition of the earth beneath our feet over many centuries. We learned of the serendipity in the discovery of a wood piled causeway, Roman roads and a considerable number of artefacts including tools, utensils, pots, weapons and even boats, from the many archaeological digs. We heard of the influence of the brick works centuries later that had been drawn to this area as a result of the special clay stratum. We viewed a Bronze-age Round House, a section of the causeway preserved in a giant water tank and presentations of a wide range of unearthed artefacts. After giving profuse thanks to our guide some of the group remained at the site taking advantage of the coffee shop for a drink and sandwich and also to mull over a very enjoyable visit on a lovely warm autumn day.
Saturday 31 July: This event was signalled as our much anticipated return to face-to-face social meetings following the last 16months of pandemic restrictions. It was deliberately chosen for its open air nature to engender confidence in those still a little apprehensive about mixing in larger groups. Of course this meant a nervous week for us carefully studying weather forecasts which predicted continuing ‘very unsettled’ days! In the event, fortune was on our side and a gathering of some 75 Members, guests and dignitaries enjoyed a lovely summerevening in the surrounds of the imposing Priory building. With a wide range of drinks and nibbles available, the welcome buzz of socialisation, sorely missed over the past months, spread across the site. Small enthusiastic ‘reunions’ were the order of the dayand overall our resumption of ‘normal’ event activity was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Wednesday 18 May: Tour of Stamford Town Hall - The Civic Officer, Mark Murtagh and our Committee Member Penny Rowley shared the guiding duties and attendees found the presentation of the ‘political’ history of Stamford’s Town Hall backed up by the viewing of amazing artefacts extremely entertaining. The presenters’ knowledge and enthusiasm for the Town Hall and its activities were very evident and with their easy presentation style made the whole event most enjoyable.
Thursday 12 May: Visit to Woolsthorpe Manor. What did you do during the Covid pandemic? A small group of Society members and friends were given a fascinating insight into the life and work of Sir Isaac Newton during a visit to Woolsthorpe Manor. The talk concentrated on the discoveries and findings of Newton during his enforced return to his birthplace during the Great Plague 1665-1667. By National Trust standards, Woolsthorpe is quite a small attraction, but it is packed with both social history of the time and a ‘hands-on’ science visitor centre to complement the tour. There is also a café and gift shop.
Thursday 21 April: Talk by Janice Mould: “The Life of Sir Isaac Newton.” Our fourth evening talk at Browne’s Hospital in the 2022 Events Programme took place on Thursday 21st April and was the second in our look into the lives of local world famous personalities. Following the previous month’s examination of the life of Sir Malcolm Sargent, next in the frame was the ‘Life of Sir Isaac Newton’ and who better to deliver that than Janice Mould who for 26 years has been the appointed National Trust Guide for Woolsthorpe Manor, Isaac Newton’s Birthplace and family home. With an excellent slide presentation Janice skilfully guided us through Isaac’s family farming background through some of the challenges of both family life and social pressures that he encountered on the way to establishing himself as one of the greatest mathematics and physicists of all time. Janice wound up her talk with a virtual tour of Woolsthorpe Manor and, all round, her clear and humorous delivery with her obvious great knowledge of her subject made for a most pleasurable evening. During the concluding social part of the evening Members were reminded of the Society’s follow up visit to Woolsthorpe Manor on 12th May 2022.
Thursday 17 March: Talk by Penny Rowley: "The Life of Sir Malcolm Sargent." Members gathered together on the evening of Thursday 17th March 2022 at Browne’s Hospital to listen to a very comprehensive presentation by Civic Society Committee Member Penny Rowley titled ‘The Life of Sir Malcolm Sargent’. Penny, a Town Hall guide, revealed that she had been inspired to research Dr. Sargent by the room dedicated to him within the Town Hall. With the aid of some fascinating slides of past people and buildings she recounted a number of entertaining aspects of Sir Malcolm’s behaviour that did not always align with the photographic portraits we are all familiar with that give the impression of a suave sophisticate with impeccable credentials. Penny observed that he was a handsome and generous man and had little difficulty in attracting the ladies but was a controversial and hard task master. He was not universally popular within his profession and was referred to as ‘Flash Harry’ in some quarters but his flair and passion for music from an early age saw him achieve the highest level of appointments including leader of the D’Oyly Carte Opera Company, Conductor of The Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and Chief Conductor of the Henry Wood Promenade Concerts. Although from a modest Stamford background he was Knighted in 1947 and made a Freeman of the Town in 1948. Following a short Q&A session Members enjoyed a social period helped along with a glass of wine and some nibbles.
Thursday 17 February: Talk by David Baxter: "History of Stamford Hospital." The sustainability of Stamford’s treasured local hospital has been somewhat of an emotive issue with Stamfordians over a number of years so it was of no surprise that David Baxter attracted a sizeable audience to Browne’s Hospital to listen to his talk on ‘The History of Stamford Hospital’. David’s enthusiasm regarding the heritage of the Hospital was evident right from the start with his wide knowledge and some fascinating early sketches and photographs he had ‘unearthed’ during his many hours of research. He had worked for the NHS for some thirty yearsand in retirement had been a leading figure in establishing the Stamford Hospital Museum. So,with the authority of that background, he took us on a journey from the build of the ‘Infirmary’ in 1828 with its ‘provide your own horse and driver’ ambulance and Tuesday only ‘admission’ and ‘discharge’ through various changes in ownership and financial crises to the present day ‘for sale’ status of the original building and surrounding land. All found the talk captivating and David responded to many quests for further information after his talk whilst the usual liquid refreshment and nibbles were enjoyed.
Thursday 20 January: Talk by Keith Hansell: "History of Stamford Postal Service." Despite a distinctly chilly evening, a sizeable group of Members and Guests turned out to attend our first Event of our 2022 ‘bounce–back’ Programme. Following the fading Covid-19 restrictions on our lives, there was an air of quiet satisfaction and relief to be back at our ‘winter home’ of Browne’s Hospital with its blazing open fire and characterful surroundings. With the aid of some fascinating slides, Ex-Postman Keith Hansell gave us an easy to listen to history lecture taking us gently through the various stages in paper communications delivery over the centuries influenced by the developing transport facilities from individual Horse Riders through Coaching, Rail and Road. Keith commented on the really outstanding service that the postal organisation developed citing as examples the single charge for any UK destination, with the introduction of the penny-black stamp, and the social integration of the rural postman into village communities, wryly comparing this with today’s service! After a brief Q&A session an enjoyable evening was brought to a close with a glass of wine and some ‘nibbles’.
Tuesday 19 October: It was a great pleasure to see Members face-to-face this year for our AGM held at Stamford Town Hall – a significant improvement over last year’s virtual ‘seeing and hearing’ but rather lifeless affair. After signing-in, Members were offered pre-meeting liquid refreshments and nibbles before the serious business of the evening. Our Honorary President was unable to be present owing to a previous commitment but sent his best wishes and a message to say how much he appreciated what the Society does for the Town in the way of conservation and enhancement adding that Burghley is proud to be associated with Stamford.
The Chairman gave his report covering the severe interruption to the programme of social events during the pandemic lockdown of the previous eighteen months but also the achievements in ‘non-social’ activities that had been possible particularly in our Urban Group projects and the incorporation of the diminished ‘Men-of-the-Stones’ society into our fold. Following the unfortunate forced retirement of our Treasurer Andrew Moore earlier in the year, our friend and previous Treasurer Martin Grimes volunteered to prepare the year-end accounts and these were adopted.
Three serving Trustees took well earned retirement at the AGM and they were thanked for their contribution over the years. All three generously offered to continue their support for projects they had been involved with and indeed, assist with any new initiatives where their experience would be of value. The remaining seven management Trustees were all re-elected. In respect of the ‘Officers’, the Chairman and Secretary were re-elected but, following the previously mentioned retirement of Treasurer Andrew Moore, an extensive search had failed to secure a Treasurer nomination. Thankfully our ever supportive member and previous Treasurer Martin Lander agreed to let his nomination go forward for the term of 2021/2022 year.
We were pleased to make two ‘Community Awards’ this year to an ancient Stamford institution and to a modern one. The committee wished to recognise the long-standing stewardship of the land to the West of the town centre by the three existing ‘Freemen of Stamford’ and also the major contribution the ‘Pride of Stamford Litter Pickers’ make to the enhancement of Stamford’s appeal. The three ‘Freemen’ and representatives of the Litter Pickers were presented with their framed certificates by the Chairman.
After the formal business of the AGM, Members were invited to take a short break with more refreshments before listening to a very entertaining and informative talk by Robert Loomes on the history of national and local clock making and the start up of his own very successful local Stamford business.
Thursday 9 September: Following a highly successful resumption of ‘post-pandemic’ face-to-face events at St Leonard’s Priory at the end of July, Thursday 9 September 2021 saw members and guests gathering in a sun bathed car park at another outdoor location, Flag Fen. Right from the start there was a distinct air of conviviality and the group eagerly assembled in the reception area to meet our guide. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable and, in a light style, led us through some 4,000 years of activity at the Fen site. We were fascinated by the experience of standing in a ‘meadow’ and listening to details of the activity of ancient tribes and the changing composition of the earth beneath our feet over many centuries. We learned of the serendipity in the discovery of a wood piled causeway, Roman roads and a considerable number of artefacts including tools, utensils, pots, weapons and even boats, from the many archaeological digs. We heard of the influence of the brick works centuries later that had been drawn to this area as a result of the special clay stratum. We viewed a Bronze-age Round House, a section of the causeway preserved in a giant water tank and presentations of a wide range of unearthed artefacts. After giving profuse thanks to our guide some of the group remained at the site taking advantage of the coffee shop for a drink and sandwich and also to mull over a very enjoyable visit on a lovely warm autumn day.
Saturday 31 July: This event was signalled as our much anticipated return to face-to-face social meetings following the last 16months of pandemic restrictions. It was deliberately chosen for its open air nature to engender confidence in those still a little apprehensive about mixing in larger groups. Of course this meant a nervous week for us carefully studying weather forecasts which predicted continuing ‘very unsettled’ days! In the event, fortune was on our side and a gathering of some 75 Members, guests and dignitaries enjoyed a lovely summerevening in the surrounds of the imposing Priory building. With a wide range of drinks and nibbles available, the welcome buzz of socialisation, sorely missed over the past months, spread across the site. Small enthusiastic ‘reunions’ were the order of the dayand overall our resumption of ‘normal’ event activity was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Thursday 24 June: Talk by Philippa Massey, "Care in the Stamford Community." Our June event was the last in our Covid-19 driven 2021 virtual talk ‘season’ before we revert to our normal face-to-face meetings at the end of July - anticipating the ever closer move to a complete relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions on July 19th. It seemed fitting to wind up the ‘season’ with a look back at Stamford’s previous experiences with high impact health events and our good friend and much respected local historian Philippa Massey kept us enthralled with a very comprehensive and entertaining review of community care issues through the centuries. Philippa guided us through the local responses to outbreaks of incurable Leprosy in the medieval period through the waves of Plague, with its 33% European mortality rate, in the 15th. and 16th. centuries and Cholera in the early 19th. century. She explained how we saw the first use of ‘social distancing’ and ‘lockdowns’ during the Plague and the quite effective care administered through alchemy practised by the Monks followed later by the initially successful Parish system which eventually collapsed through ‘scandal and mismanagement’ in 1929. Philippa was thanked heartily by Members and guests logged in to the virtual event who expressed their appreciation for an extremely interesting and informative talk.
Thursday 27 May: Talk by Joe Whitehead, Head Gardener at Burghley House, "Burghley House Garden Developments.” Our Society has always enjoyed a close relationship with one of Stamford’s major heritage attractions, Burghley House and indeed our Honorary President is Orlando Rock. For our May event, the fifth talk in our ‘virtual talk season’ featured Burghley’s Head Gardener, Joe Whitehead who gave us a very comprehensive and pictorially excellent presentation covering the history of the park and gardens plus recent large project activities.
Joe explained that he had started his gardening career as a Burghley apprentice and, after some eighteen years as a ‘journeyman gardener’ through positions of increasing responsibility at a wide variety of well known horticultural locations, was delighted to return to Burghley as Head Gardener with a supporting staff of six gardeners and fifteen volunteers. In addition to walking us through the existing park and garden features, he revealed a number of projects, ongoing and planned, reinstating the massive very much neglected ‘walled garden’; clearing significant overgrowth, particularly of laurel, reinstating impressive wide vistas and revealing attractive water courses that were part of the lake overflow management system. After a short discussion, Joe remarked that he hoped Members would be able to visit the new developments in the not too distant future adding to the attractions of the House, Garden of Surprises, Sculpture Gardens and the Park itself.
Thursday 29 April: Talk by Stuart Orme, “Lady Margaret Beaufort and her palace at Collyweston.” A sizeable group of Members and guests logged in to listen to an intriguing talk regarding ‘The Tudor Age’ including the ‘War of the Roses’ and the sacking of Stamford, under Margaret of Anjou, as background to Lady Margaret Beaufort’s life. Stuart gave an extremely detailed and comprehensive review of the relationships and lives of those making up the royal ‘houses’ of the period. Evidently Margaret Beaufort was quite a characterful lady, although not officially part of the ‘royal blood line’, she was hugely influential. She became a mother at age thirteen, was implicated in a house plot, impeached as a traitor, became an important influence on Henry, was the ‘Patron of Learning’ and amassed a large property portfolio including a giant and luxurious palace at Collyweston. We were treated to a fascinating story very well told with the authority born of Stuart’s profound knowledge base and experience of managing and participating in many cultural events over a number of years.
Thursday 25 March: Talk by Cllr David Taylor, Cllr David Taylor, SKDC Leader Cllr Kelham Cooke and Burghley Estates CEO David Pennell, “A Catch-up on the Future of Stamford.” Our March ‘virtual’ event proved extremely popular and was very well received by the Members who were clearly and understandably curious about the current status of residential and commercial developments foreseen for Stamford over the next few years i.e. “The Shape of Things to Come!”. Between our Committee Member Cllr David Taylor, the Council Leader of SKDC Cllr Kelham Cooke, and Burghley Estates CEO David Pennell we enjoyed a brief review of the recently issued “Stamford Neighbourhood Plan (SNP)” and more detailed information on the aspects of the larger developments proposed for North Stamford and St. Martin’s Park (ex Cummins site). David Taylor explained the background and context of the SNP within the national planning process and then outlined its key features. Kelham Cooke and David Pennell expounded the social and commercial pressures driving the two major development plans in St. Martin’s Park and North Stamford respectively. A lively Q&A session followed and the Chairman expressed his appreciation to the speakers for the informative clear and open way in which they had addressed the Members. He also noted that there were presently in place a plethora of consultations on changing the local planning process with the objective of delivering a “significantly simpler, faster and more predictable system” and, as a sizeable community group, the Society Members were ready and keen to make a significant contribution to the process, particularly in the very early concept stages.
Thursday 25 February: Talk by David Lankester, delivered online: “A Brief History of the ‘Men of the Stones’ Society.” Although we were unable to run our events programme last year, the Society was still functioning and our long-time good friend and supporter, committee member David Lankester was busying himself setting up the absorption of the ‘Men of the Stones’ society into our organisation. (The Men of the Stones formlly became part of the Society during 2020.) David, then was the appropriate person to tell us something about the history of our new ‘acquisition’. David told us that ‘The Men of the Stones’ was founded in 1947, by Arch Ireson and Edmund Easedaile (Esdaile). It had national aspirations and it had ten stated aims, but above all, it aimed “to encourage the practice and appreciation of the Arts and Crafts of Architecture, including Stone Masonry, Sculpture/Carving, Painting, Gilding, Wrought Iron, and Cast Lead Work”. Under Arch Ireson and Edmund Easedaile there was a very high profile Top Table and a long and impressive list of Business Members coming from all over the country.
The Society gained an enviable reputation with its frequent unique trips to historic houses, its high quality lectures and its comprehensive Year Book and in 1999, when David was a ‘Stones’ committee member, the society enjoyed the support of 360 ‘Ordinary’ members and 90 ‘Trade’ members. Michael Tebbutt, who took over the chairmanship in 2000, was a man of huge energy and enthusiasm taking the lead in all the society’s activities for a period of some 11 years. When he stepped down in 2012 there was a huge void and the Society’s momentum very quickly diminished. David expressed his views on why the society collapsed at such a rate - an uninspiring name, the age of the membership and the lack of focus on Stamford itself leaving space for other organizations such as Stamford Civic Society to establish themselves as the guardians of local conservation. In the end the ‘Stones’ fell between two stools – it didn’t really have the clout to play in any National league and didn’t show enough interest in its local base. David gave us an interesting insight into the larger than life characters who formed the heart of the ‘Stones’ over some 70 years and his lucid, light presentation style, aided by a split screen slide show, made for an exceptionally enjoyable talk.
After expressing appreciation for David’s talk, the Chairman invited Members to contact the Secretary if they wished to obtain a free copy of a Society publication entitled “The Stones of Stamford Revisited” by Rachel Morley – it reviews the different stone types used in Stamford from various local quarries and describes with many excellent pictures the mechanism of their deterioration.
Thursday 28 January: Talk by Jeremy Gibbs, delivered online: How Stamford Became the first Conservation Town. Following the forced cancellation of three quarters of our 2020 social events programme as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and, bearing in mind the current situation, the Committee concluded that a move to ‘Virtual’ talks in the medium term would be a way to restore momentum for 2021. We successfully launched this strategy on the evening of Thursday 28th. January where we saw a substantial number of Members and guests ‘log-in’ to hear our good friend Jeremy Gibbs give us a very professionally presented talk reminding us “How Stamford Became the First Conservation Town”. With the aid of slides of maps, sketches and pertinent comments contained within reports compiled by Local Planning Officer, Dr. Fennell in the early 1960s, Jeremy provided an entertaining and lucid commentary on Dr. Fennell’s inspired approach to the assessment of the value of the built heritage of the Town. He showed how the appeal of our market town was not just the individual buildings themselves but in the settings, street scenes, road layout, natural features and historical groupings. In the late 1960’s, when the National Government began to show an interest in town conservation (after some brutal redevelopment of a number characterful towns), Dr. Fennell’s research and reports were ‘oven ready’ for submission and Stamford was awarded first ‘Conservation Town’ status in 1967. A lively discussion, mainly relating to future Government proposals to ease town planning restrictions, followed the talk and the importance of the recently drafted ‘Stamford Neighbourhood Plan’ was recognised. Overall our first Virtual Event was very well received and hearty thanks were expressed to Jeremy, not only for his superb presentation but alongside, his ‘orchestration’ of all the technical IT aspects of the meeting.
A number of events were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Saturday 20 June: Midsummer Party at St Leonard's Priory postponed to 2021.
Thursday 11 June: Burghley Private House Tour with Orlando Rock followed by Dr Simon Thurley Burghley 500 Lecture cancelled.
Thursday 21 May: Visit to Hatfield House, Herts cancelled.
Thursday 30 April: Visit to RAF Wittering cancelled.
Thursday 20 February: Talk by James Buckman, SES Archivist, The Growth and Development of Stamford High School. Members were presented with a very different location to the usual talks venue of Browne’s Hospital, they went back to school! – in the impressive surroundings of the Ancaster Studio of Stamford High School for Girls. The Archivist of the Stamford Endowed Schools, James Buckman delivered a fascinating talk beginning with his initial task of putting in order a particularly untidy pile of old school documents, files and reports residing in a rather forlorn school storage space. He then went on to relate the history of the school, explaining that it was in the late nineteenth century when the formal education of girls was established (the boys having been catered for two hundred years before!). It was the end of World War Two before the Education Act made it a legal requirement for every child to receive a basic education in ‘reading: writing: and arithmetic’. James covered in some detail the very rapid expansion of the Girls' School through the ages with, during one period, a building acquisition or new build taking place on a yearly basis. Questions and contributions from the audience provided an informative and entertaining conclusion to the talk and the group then enjoyed refreshments in the reception area of the facility.
Thursday 16 January: The warm open-hearth fire at Browne’s Hospital provided a welcome backdrop on an unfriendly January evening as we listened intently to a truly fascinating talk by our good SCS friend Martin Lander, Once Upon a Time -- reflections on our calendar. Martin, a fully qualified clock repairer who spent twelve years in his own business immediately before his retirement, covered the stories behind the totally illogical current time scales we use to measure a wide range of repeatable activities. With some humour he related the historical development of the need for time measurement ending with some pictures of public clocks in Stamford, which we were asked to name. Martin was thanked heartily for a very entertaining and professionally presented talk which generated a deal of discussion in the social period that followed on.
Thursday 19 December: Members enjoyed a Seasonal Reception in the warmth of Browne's Hospital with its open fire.
Thursday November 21st: on a very chilly November evening the cosy atmosphere of Browne’s Hospital Hall, with its warm open fire, was a welcoming location for our Event. A change to our speaker was necessary as result of the sad passing last August of Gill Darby who was scheduled to speak on ‘The Fine Arts’. Bearing in mind the very topical news headline issue of widespread river flooding, we were fortunate to be able to engage Chris French from The Welland Rivers Trust to talk to us about river flow management. Chris gave us an informative and entertaining presentation with some excellent visual aids. He covered the impact over the years of river rerouting and deterioration (through lack of appropriate maintenance) and explained the current strategy of ‘catchment based’ water management with its implications in respect of ground works and funding. Chris’s talk was followed up by an update on the local Millstream Improvement Project by Amelia Billington, Project Manager and Andy Sadler from the Environment Agency. After a lively Q&A session the evening concluded with our usual enjoyable social element.
Thursday 19 September: visit to Ketton Cement. Members painted a somewhat surreal scene as they stood in their bright orange jackets, white helmets, goggles and protective gloves in the middle of a huge Rutland quarry on a glorious Autumn day – they were taking part in September’s SCS outing to Hanson Cement, Ketton works. ‘Awesome’ was the only word to describe this Giant’s chemical ‘kitchen’ utilizing mined limestone and clay ingredients, massive mixers and milling equipment and ‘cooking’ in a huge horizontal rotating ‘oven’ at a kiln temperature of 1,450 degrees to produce 4,000 tonnes per day of cement. We were shown the complete continuous process from the initial crushing and mixing of batches of 150 tonnes of discrete limestone deposits with 30 tonnes of special clay, to the impressive bagging, loading and shipping facilities on this 20 square mile site. We also viewed the large bat cave that had to be created in order to move this protected species out of adjacent woodland to allow for further quarrying. We were very cordially hosted, everyone thoroughly enjoyed our guide’s humour and his extensive knowledge and we wound up the visit with a pleasurable buffet lunch.
Thursday 22 August: ‘The Ancient Trees of Burghley’ with Peter Glassey, Head Forester.
On a quite balmy August afternoon Peter Glassey, the Head Forrester at Burghley, took us to parts of the Park that others cannot reach! He gave us an absorbing introduction to the historical development of the park, particularly the influence of Capability Brown in creating stunning vistas through his major water and ground works and inspirational planting. Brown’s intelligent use of the local geology incorporating the limestone / clay fault line and the type and positioning of a wide variety of trees had produced a spectacular result. In visiting the trees, some around 800 years old, and also Peter’s favourite tree (he appeared to have a large number of these!), we learnt about the interdependence of the tree and micro organisms, the tree’s natural instincts for preservation including the growth of trunk ‘strut’ and ‘buttress’ configurations with attendant bark forms and even a tree’s ability to shed branches that are causing stress to the tree structure as a whole.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the scenery and also the realization that the general often ‘taken-for- granted’ common tree has a true beauty that is much more than skin deep!
Thursday 25 July, 7.30pm: Michael Cross, Head of Arts in SKDC, gave us a fascinating insight into the Stamford Georgian Festival, its organization asn its importance as part of the Heritage Arts centre of economic growth within SKDC. Michael’s depth of knowledge from a long and widely based experience in the art of theatre readily supported his submission that his primary role was to ‘join up the dots’ of cross disciplines working to deliver inspirational events. His enthusiasm and presentation style coupled with our usual social interlude made for a really ‘feel good’ event.
Friday 21 June: After a nervy week of weather watching, our Friday evening Midsummer Day Party took place in the enchanting setting of a sun bathed St Leonard’s Priory. The event attracted one of the largest groups of Members and Guests we have hosted to date for this annual occasion. With a light musical background provided by lone saxophonist Roger Hudson complemented by some very respectable liquid refreshment and a substantial finger buffet the atmosphere was truly delightful. Add in the sounds of animated chatter and laughter and this rather special summer solstice celebration was enjoyed by all.
Thursday 23 May: Our May 2019 Event was originally planned as a visit to RAF Wittering but, for base operational reasons, we were unable to go ahead. However, the replacement event at Browne’s Hospital in the evening in no way disappointed. Well respected local historian Philippa Massey took us for a ‘walk’ along St. Martin’s high street and its ‘tributaries’ covering the history of each building in this once separate township of St. Martins South of the river. The origin of each ancient site was explained in Philippa’s clear and sometimes ‘tongue-in-cheek’ presentation style and the very wide and varied activities and businesses that each building had hosted over the years made for a fascinating and extremely enjoyable talk. After some further interesting responses to guests’ questions, a social period with light refreshments rounded off a very successful evening.
Thursday 11 April: our April Event at Browne's Hospital saw Don Chiswell of Peterborough Museum entertain us with the fascinating history of both the Longthorpe Tower building itself and the artefacts within. Don took us on a detailed ‘tour’ of the considerable art works displayed on the inner wall surfaces, most dating from the 14th Century. After a lively question time, Don was thanked for his erudite presentation delivered with humour and Members then enjoyed a short social period before heading home.
Thursday 21 March: at the annual Members’ Evening, Andrew Norman and Claire Saunders from Invest SK spoke on Stamford’s Heritage and the Visitor Economy. Claire, the Heritage Regeneration Officer for Invest SK, began the talk by outlining her role in the organisation. Her department could give help to other organisations in developing heritage projects with special reference to such areas as Liaison, Promotion, Capacity Building, Funding Support and Heritage Alive Grants. Information on the latter was available on the Heritage Alive website. An ongoing project was Wayfinding and Claire sought help from SCS members in developing Wayfinding maps. She made it very clear that Invest SK was a resource for us! Her final point was to emphasise the need for SCS members to respond to the online LCC questionnaire on the future of heritage services in Lincolnshire.
Andrew Norman is the Head of Visitor economy for Invest SK. He gave an entertaining talk on the effect of visitors (not tourists!) to the South Kesteven economy. He talked about developing the SK visitor economy in the areas of markets, businesses (especially cafés and hotels), high streets and sport. He especially emphasised the importance of utilising social media. Finally he mentioned the Invest SK website and referred to the brochure Discover South Kesteven. To conclude he showed a short film heralding the District.
There followed a series of questions from a very interested audience.
Thursday 21 February: our February event proved extremely popular and was very well received by the Members who were clearly and understandably curious about the residential and commercial developments foreseen for Stamford over the next 20/25 years – “The Shape of Things to Come”. Our Committee Member Cllr. David Taylor with the Council Leader of SKDC Cllr. Matthew Lee gave detailed presentations on the involvement of the community in the long term strategic plan, the legal process, and Central Government imposed demands and constraints for our local area. A lively Q&A session followed and a convivial social period wound up the evening.
Thursday 24 January: a large audience listened to an absorbing and very well presented talk from a popular long-term resident of Stamford and enthusiastic supporter of all things ministerial, civic and social, the Rev. David Bond. David used the establishment and location of Stamford’s Medieval Churches as a vehicle for recounting the ancient history of the Town from the first Danish military settlement through the ‘great days’ of the thriving walled town to the decimation of the population as a result of the ‘Black Death’ in the fourteenth century. He concluded with a description of the salient features of the six churches.
Thursday, 22 November: “Did Dr Fennell Save Stamford?” Ex-chairman Gwyneth Gibbs gave an illustrated talk about Dr Kenneth Fennell and how Stamford became the first Conservation Area.
Thursday, 11 October: The 2018 Annual General Meeting was held in the Town Hall. We were delighted to welcome many of those receiving awards as well as people connected with Nelson Dawson, Orlando Rock, our President welcomed members and ran the formal part of the evening, including the Chairman's and Treasurer's reports that can be found in the Archives section of this website. Jim Mason was elected as Chairman, as Gwyneth Gibbs stood down after 11 years in the role. Martin Lander stood down as Treasurer, and is replaced by Andrew Moore.
Dr Jocelyn Chatterton introduced a short presentation on the new blue plaque celebrating Nelson Dawson, and introduced two of his relatives who had joined us. Also present was one of the owners of the building on which the plaque is fixed. This was followed by the 2018 Civic Society Awards. Members then circulated for a glass or two of wine.
Tuesday, 25 September: A joint meeting with the St Peter’s Community Group, when a recently produced short film on the life and work of Rutland Terrace resident Anne-Marie Evans was shown. Anne-Marie is a noted botanical artist who practises and teaches in many parts of the world.
Saturday, 23 June: Members and guests enjoyed warm weather, if not unbroken sunshine, at St. Leonard’s Priory for the popular annual summer drinks party. We were delighted to welcome the Mayor of Stamford, Mr Max Sawyer, as our guest. Member Anabel Morris provided refreshments, which were highly praised, especially the cheese scones! We are grateful to the many others who made the event such a success.
Tuesday, 12 June: a small band of enthusiastic members visited Cambridge, returning the Cambridge Blue Badge Guides' visit to Stamford in 2016. Our host was guide Liz Hodder, who entertainingly and informatively led us around the core of the historic university town. There was then free time to enjoy the many visual and epicurean attractions.
Thursday, 12 April: Simon Harris of Harris McCormack spoke on “An Architect’s Thoughts on Building in Stamford in the 21st Century”. Simon, through his architectural work, aimed to protect and enhance whole areas and individual buildings. Buildings, particularly those that are listed, needed to be seen in the context of their surroundings; details were all-important. Examples of his Stamford work included eight new houses in Marshall’s Yard, a striking modern eco-house on Priory Road and a modern extension in Water Street. Simon highlighted the differences between private and commercial projects and pointed out that enhancement is as important as preservation.
Thursday, 8 March: 37 members attended the annual informal members' meeting round the fire at Browne's. Nominations for awards were invited. The Urban Group gave an update on their wide range of activities: the topics of verges and Red Lion Square were discussed in detail. SKDC was considering Article 4 Directions to improve the preservation of conservation areas.
Thursday, 8 February: Dr Melissa Thompson gave a talk entitled '70 Years of Listing Buildings'. Dr Thompson, a Designation Adviser at Historic England, is actively involved in the listing process. She gave an excellent presentation which was well researched, superbly illustrated and delivered with both passion and humour.
Tuesday 14 November: Members visited Spalding Gentlemen's Society, founded in 1710 as a coffee house club for gentlemen to discuss new ideas and discoveries. Notable members included William Stukeley, Sir Isaac Newton, Alfred, Lord Tennyson and Sir Joseph Banks. The club's wide-ranging collections of objects, books and archives became a museum in 1911. John Smith introduced us to Stukeley's 18th century drawings of Stamford.
Thursday 5 October: A well-attended Annual General Meeting was held at the Town Hall, followed by a convivial social event over a drink. A full report will appear in the Annual Review in January.
Thursday, 28 September: The Civic Society celebrated the 50th anniversary of Stamford becoming the UK's first Conservation Area - on the exact day - with a reception at the Society's exhibition in the Arts Centre, which was open to the public between 20 and 28 September. A separate web page gives further information about the Society's activities in this special year.
Thursday 3 August: 20 members enjoyed a private tour of Grimsthorpe Castle. The building is packed with history and we left feeling that we had only scratched the surface of the 3000-acre estate. Most of us enjoyed tea and cake afterwards.
Wednesday 21 June: A fortunate group of ballot-winning members enjoyed the heatwave on a private visit to Burghley House. Exceptionally, they were able to visit the spectacular roof, enjoying views over the park, and a number of rooms that are not open to the public. We were most grateful to everybody at Burghley who made this possible.
Saturday 17 June: Members and guests enjoyed splendid early summer weather for our annual early evening drinks party at St Leonard’s Priory. Perhaps in consequence, we had the largest attendance for (at least) some years.
Thursday 4 May: Town Councillor David Taylor, Chairman of Stamford First, spoke about the Stamford Local Plan.. This is important for the future of the town, and it was an excellent opportunity for members to hear about the progress being made.
Thursday 20 April: In his recently published book, Simon Jenkins writes that “The medieval cathedral is the most spectacular and lasting accomplishment of the English people.” We are fortunate to have an outstanding example on our doorstep at Peterborough and on 20 April, 22 members of the Society had an informative and enjoyable tour of this great building conducted by two of the Cathedral’s knowledgeable and enthusiastic guides.
Thursday 16 March: Our annual informal members' meeting round the fire at Browne's Hospital focused on highways issues. Our guest was County Councillor David Brailsford and approximately 40 members attended. The Chairman reported that the committee is seeking a Chairman and Secretary plus new committee members. Volunteers were needed! Martin Lander has taken over the role of Membership Secretary from Melanie Sockett. In future, all talks at Browne’s Hospital will be ticketless. On 4 May, Cllr Taylor will talk at Browne’s about Stamford First’s Local Plan - £3.50 on the door. Members’ interest was sought for August garden outings: Grimsthorpe Castle and Foxtail Lilly’s in Oundle were the favourites. Mike Sockett reported that Peter Stean will update the “Paving The Way” review. (Subsequently, Cllr. Brailsford sent a copy to Highways for their attention.) He suggested at the meeting that members use the LCC website to report any highway faults or call 01522 782070 (8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday) and not the unreliable “Up My Street”. There followed a Q&A session with County Councillor David Brailsford, which members commented they had found enlightening.
Thursday 16 February: Stuart Orme made a welcome return with a talk entitled "900 Years of an Icon: Peterborough Cathedral, Past, Present and Future." Stuart is Head of Operations at the Cathedral. This was an excellent introduction prior to the Society's visit to the Cathedral in April.
Thursday 17th November: Gil Darby gave another talk. After Wedgwood a couple of years ago, we moved to Meissen, with a talk entitled “A Passion for Porcelain; the Early Days of the Meissen Factory”.
Thursday October 13th: The Society's Annual General meeting and Awards Evening was held at the Town Hall. The Chairman's report, including details of the Awards, the Treasurer's report and the 2015 minutes can be found here.
Tuesday September 20th: A group of 13 members enjoyed a talk and tour of Octavia Hill’s Birthplace in Wisbech. We were welcomed by Peter Clayton, the Chairman of the Octavia Hill Birthplace Trust. The whole operation is run by volunteers; a truly remarkable achievement.
Wednesday 17th August: A group of 25 members enjoyed a conducted tour of Apethorpe Palace, one of England’s greatest country houses. It is now privately owned and English Heritage provided two very knowledgeable tour guides who, over a two hour period, explained the architecture and history of the building to the fascination of all.
Saturday 16 July: Our annual evening event was held at St. Leonard's Priory. Drinks, music, the attendance of local artist Karen Neale and reasonable weather all ensured a successful evening. We were delighted to welcome residents from the Priory Nursing home and their carers. The Society's new note cards were on sale.
Thursday 9th June: members enjoyed a private evening tour of Browne’s Hospital, followed by coffee and cakes. The weather cooperated to make it an even better event!
Thursday 2nd June: Professor Alan Short, the Professor of Architecture at Cambridge University and a Fellow of Clare Hall gave a fascinating talk.
Wednesday April 13th: Our annual members' meeting was held at Browne's Hospital. This is an opportunity to chat informally about the Society, and we were delighted to see over 60 members there. The Chairman reported on:
Melanie Sockett reported on upcoming events and talks for members, and mentioned the launch of the greeting card sets, hopefully at the St Leonard’s Priory event in July.
Peter Stevens reported on his work on the Bastion Project, Phase 2:
Wednesday February 24th: Lionel Wall gave a highly entertaining talk about the English Church from the Romans to the Reformation.
Wednesday November 4th: A talk by the Front of House Manager of John Clare's Cottage, David Dykes on the Life of John Clare.
Thursday October 15th: The 2015 AGM was held at the Town Hall. About 70 members attended' unfortunately, our President, Orlando Roack was unable to attend, because of a last-minute work commitment.
Saturday June 20th: Our annual St Leonard's Priory event took place. Members and guests braved the damp weather to celebrate both Midsummer and the Society’s work to rescue and conserve St Leonard’s Priory. This beautiful and ancient building is the sole remnant of a Norman period structure in Stamford. We were delighted to meet new members and people living near the Priory, who came along to explore the atmospheric site and find out more about the Society.
Tuesday June 2nd: a private visit to Island Hall, Godmanchester. Even on such a blustery day as our visit Island Hall, situated in the heart of Godmanchester on the banks of the River Great Ouse, looked charming. It is an elegant red brick, early-Georgian mansion, built in classical style in 1749 for John Jackson Esq., Receiver General for Huntingdonshire. The three-storey central part is flanked by two-storey wings, and both river and street frontage are identical. In 1804 the property and estate was purchased by the family of our hosts for the visit – Christopher and Lady Linda Vane Percy.
Island Hall was much altered and damaged during and after WWII, including by a fire in 1977. The property came back into the family when the Vane Percys purchased it in 1983. The house and garden today have been lovingly restored to the eighteenth century design and family heirlooms and portraits decorate the rooms. Gardens enclosed by 18th century brick walls are connected by a Chinese-style bridge to the island in the River Great Ouse from which the house takes its name.
Tuesday May 26th: Open garden in Stamford – Peter Heyes opened his garden for us. About 50 members attended on a beautiful early summer evening that was so much better than what had been promised by the weather forecast. A collection on the evening for the charity of Peter's choice raised £300.
Thursday April 23rd: Stuart Orme spoke to an almost full house on “Georgian Peterborough”.
Members' meeting March 11th
About 45 members attended; we sat round the fire, and following an introduction summarising some of the things we are doing, the planning sub-committee consisting of John Smith, James Heesom and David Healey was introduced. John summarised the work the sub-committee carries out on behalf of the executive committee. Following that, we discussed a number of issues/suggestions. Among these were:
1. Annual review: should it be A5 or A4? Next year, we will include a membership form in the hope that you will show the review to your friends and persuade them to join the Society.
2. Newsletter: from the next issue, brief mention will be made of any planning responses of significant interest.
3. A group of Canadians is making a visit to Stamford on Tuesday July 21st; any volunteers to help show them round the town for an hour or so in the morning, please contact us. Our thanks to the people who volunteered at the meeting – we will be in touch with more information nearer the time.
4. Martin Grimes is stepping down as Treasurer at the next AGM; please let us know if you are interested in taking over. Martin will help with the items that may not be familiar, such as the annual return and managing gift aid, while a new person gets up to speed.
5. Help in general. We are looking for volunteers from members who would like to help either with projects or visit/talk planning. Please contact us if you are interested.
6. The Bastion. Peter Stevens reported work was complete on the outside; we are talking to English Heritage about the interior of the walls.
7. The southern entrance to the town – the verges are a mess because of cars parking there. We are looking for solutions.
8. A request was made that we look at the state of Cheyne Lane. This has been passed to the planning sub-committee.
Thursday February 19th: recent Civic Society Award winner, David Ellis gave an illustrated talk on “My Life as a Collyweston Slater” from apprentice to master slater. Members were amazed at some of the working conditions shown in his slides - total disregard for modern health and safety standards.
Thursday November 27th: David Pennell, the Estate Director for the Burghley Estate spoke to a packed house about the the day to day issues and intricacies of looking after the Estate's properties in Stamford.
Thursday 23rd October: “Bless and Tell” - a talk by Civic Society Member, Canon Donald Gray. Donald was involved at Westminster Abbey for many years, and spoke about the history of the institution and his time there, to a full house at Browne's Hospital.
Thursday October 9th: Civic Society AGM and Awards evening at the Town Hall. The Minutes of the 2013 AGM and the March 2014 SGM were passed. During the Chairman's report, New College students showed clips from their videos about the sundial project. After the formal part of the evening, the Society's 2014 Awards were presented by Orlando Rock, our President. Award details and a picture are here.
Saturday 21st June: Midsummer’s Eve at St Leonard’s Priory
In the beautiful setting of St Leonard’s Priory members and their guests enjoyed a memorable midsummer’s evening which celebrated the work the Society has done to restore and maintain this important medieval building. The weather was, for once, splendid. As the evening drew towards the close over 60 people packed into the Priory building to attend Compline, the order for night prayer, led by Canon Donald Gray.
Compline is the final church service of the day for many monastic orders, and emphasised spiritual peace after the working day. St Leonard’s Priory followed the Rule of St Benedict and this service would have been one of the important Offices of the day.
For the first time in hundreds of years the Priory resounded to the evocative chants of a choir – or schola – which was led by the cantor, Reverend Gavin Cooper, parish priest of St Mary and St Martin. The singers, who were members of the choir for these churches, enabled the audience to experience the beautiful choral tradition of the monastic way of life.
Friday June 13th : A day in Kings Lynn. Dr Paul Richards, our Blue Badge guide, gave a fascinating and fact-packed insight into the history of King’s Lynn – from its early settlement, built on spoil from Anglo-Saxon salt-making, to its gentle decline with the coming of the railways.
King’s Lynn was England’s most important port in the 14th century and retains many historic buildings which reflect its seafaring activities. We visited the 15th century Hanse House, a former warehouse of the Hanseactic League, and St George’s Guildhall, the most complete and largest surviving guildhall in the country. Even the minster church of St Margaret demonstrates the importance of the sea to the town with its moon clock showing the phases of the moon and also the next high and low tide.
Our afternoon visit to Clifton House, the most complete medieval merchant's house in England, was hosted by its owner, Dr Simon Thurley, historian and Chief Executive of English Heritage. He gave us a wonderful tour, which illustrated the various historic features of the house and emphasised the wealth of the merchants who built it. Following a climb to the top of the five-storey Elizabethan tower we enjoyed tea and cakes in the garden. A splendid day out!
Wednesday 21st May: Visit to Oakham Castle – organized by the Friends of Rutland County Museum and Oakham Castle. The weather was perfect, and about 30 people had a very pleasant afternoon. The Castle's ex-curator showed the party round.
Thursday 10th April: Rachel Morley's talk, "The Stones of Stamford" was given by Elizabeth Hirst, the founder of Hirst Conservation. It ranged over the types of local stone, how damage occurs and what can be done to repair/renovate damaged stone. Note that the May newsletter has some extra comments from Rachel about the questions that were asked.
Thursday 20th March: Dave Gamston from York spoke on “Historic Pub Interiors: a Conservation Issue”. Dave is a member of CAMRA, and few of us realised how much they are involved in Conservation.
Wednesday 5th March: Members' meeting and Special General Meeting
A Special General Meeting to approve the Society's revised constitution was held on Wednesday March 5th at 7.30 pm at Browne's Hospital. The revised constitution was approved, and can be seen here.
The Special General Meeting was followed by an informal members’ meeting round the fire, in the same style as that held in 2013. Members discussed a number of issues, including:
On Wednesday 15th January, Dr Jocelyn Chatterton spoke about “Life in Qing Dynasty China – Emperors, Concubines and Eunuchs”. Jocelyn lectures at SOAS and SEAS (in Sheffield) and gave us a fascinating insight into court life during the closing stages of this dynasty.
On Thursday 13th February: Gil Darby gave her third talk to the Society on “Josiah Wedgwood - “Vase Maker General to the Universe”to a close to capacity audience at Browne's Hospital. We are now discussing a visit to the Wedgwood Museum in stoke.
Wednesday 6 November a private visit to the refurbished Peterborough Museum. About 20 members met for a glass of wine, followed by a guided tour round the recently refurbished museum. We had the museum to ourselves, an excellent guide and were able to take the visit at a comfortable pace for everyone.
Thursday 3 October AGM. The AGM was held in the Town Hall. All resolutions were passed. Our speaker this year was Nick Boles, who is not only the Member of Parliament for Grantham and Stamford, but also the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Planning. Nick gave an entertaining talk and a lively discussion followed.
Saturday and Sunday 14 and 15 September were the Stamford Civic Society Heritage Open Days. This year the program was about material matters, including visits to Stamford's Churches, walks round the town looking at the stone used as building material and an exhibition of Colleyweston slate.
On Thursday 5 September, members visited Milton Hall, near Peterborough. Milton Hall dates from 1594, being the historical home of the Fitzwilliam family. Our tour guide gave us an enthralling, informative and amusing commentary on the history of the house and the family. The last alterations to the house were made in the late eighteenth century and externally it presents an attractive combination of Tudor architecture on the north front and early Georgian on the south. The weather made a walk in the gardens a perfect end to the visit.
On Thursday 11 July, about 85 members toured open Gardens around St George’s Square and St Mary’s. The weather was perfect, and the gardens were fascinating - and very different. The evening finished with drinks at the Arts Centre. We are giving the major part of the profits to the Stamford Street Pastors.
On Tuesday 18 June, 23 members of the Society were given a tour of the private quarters of Burghley House. We were greeted by Mr and Mrs Rock and their youngest daughter and also by the House archivist and historian, John Culverhouse. For the next two hours Orlando Rock, President of the Society, showed us the sumptuous yet at the same time informal private living rooms of the house and the remarkable treasures contained within them. He and John Culverhouse kept up an informed and fascinating commentary. At the conclusion of the evening wines and snacks were served on the lawns courtesy of our President and Mrs Rock.
As a small gesture of appreciation for their hospitality the Society has made a donation to the Histiocytosis Research Trust
On Saturday 11 May, nearly 70 people enjoyed a coffee morning at St Leonard’s Priory. The Society looks after the site of St. Leonard’s Priory and has improved it over the years by installing an information board and planting many spring bulbs and a Mulberry tree. Canon Donald Gray performed a brief dedication service for the tree.
On Thursday 11 April about 40 people enjoyed a tour and talk at Tolethorpe Hall, at the perfect time of year to visit Tolethorpe; everything is ready for the new season, there are lambs in the fields and the blossom is out.
On Wednesday 6 March, we held a members’ meeting to give members a more informal occasion to hear about the work and plans of the Society than is possible at the Annual General Meeting. We also asked for feedback on issues that you think are important for the Society to address. About 50 members attended, and heard about plans for the Newsletter and Journal, as well as the Sundial project, coming events, the Urban Group and the QR code project.
On Wednesday February 27th, Dr. Frank King, Chairman of the Sundial Society spoke on “Sundials and the history of reckoning time”. The talk described how Sundials work and explained how different designs have been used to indicate different kinds of time.
On Wednesday January 30th, Stephen Alford made a welcome return to talk about his latest book, “The Watchers - A Secret History of the Reign of Elizabeth I”, exploring the murky world of espionage at the Elizabethan court, focussing on the men prepared to destroy or defend their queen.
Our Autumn talk at Browne’s Hospital was a return visit by Stuart Orme, talking about the Civil War in this area. A full house enjoyed a fascinating account of the effects of the war on this area, including the “Siege of Burghley”
The 2012 AGM was held on the 12th October, and was followed by a party to celebrate the efforts of those involved with the Society over the years.
In early September, the Society took part in the country-wide Heritage Day; details here.
A small group visited Southwell Minster on Saturday May 19th, and in spite of the weather had a highly enjoyable day.
On Saturday 7 April, we held a coffee morning at St. Leonard’s Priory, to see the display of spring bulbs planted to enhance the Priory site. This proved popular, and we hope to make it a regular event, possibly changing the time of year to see the Priory as the seasons change.
In March, Dai Morgan Evans, Professor of Archaeology at the University of Chester, spoke on “'From Great Casterton to Reality Television”.
At the end of February. Stephen Alford, Fellow in History at King’s College, Cambridge, talked on “William Cecil and Stamford”. A full house heard him describe Cecil’s involvement with Stamford. Copies of his recent bool were on sale afterwards.
Our second Arts Centre talk was by Christopher Lewis, the ex-executive producer of the Antiques Road Show who gave a highly entertaining talk entitled “A warm fire, a cup of tea and the Antiques Road Show”
Crispin Truman, Chief Executive of the Churches Conservation Trust delivered the first of our lectures at the Arts Centre on “The Churches Conservation Trust, protecting historic churches at risk.”
After her wonderful talk at Burghley in November 2010, we asked Gil Darby to talk again in 2011. This time, she spoke about Twentieth Century Jewellery to a packed meeting at Browne’s Hospital.
On October 24th, the Goldmark Gallery in Uppingham hosted a drinks party for members with the artist Peter Ashley who has produced a stunning Stamford capriccio in attendance to give a short talk about his work and promote the print. A significant part of the proceeds from print sales will go to the Civic Society.
The combined 2011 AGM and Awards evening was held in October.
A coach visit on September 8th to Newark proved memorable, with many people surprised at the wonderful Georgian buildings in the town. Members were shown around by Blue Badge Guides.
On July 19th, about 35 members enjoyed a private tour of Elton Hall, near Peterborough. Thanks to a tremendous thundery downpour we were not able to venture into the gardens, but members did enjoy looking at the furniture, paintings, silver and china in the house.
The end of June saw Civic Day, organised nationwide by Civic Voice. To celebrate, we arranged a debate at the Town Hall. In addition, children from Malcolm Sergeant’s school put together a quiz about Stamford; this was published in the Mercury on the 24th June.
Our first outing of 2011 was a full day visit to Ely on May 31, where Philip Dixon, the consultant archaeologist at the Cathedral gave us a talk and a guided tour of the Cathedral.
On March 22nd, we had a talk by Stuart Orme, Historic Interpretation Manager at Peterborough museum, on Norman Cross, the first British POW camp. About 50 members heard Stuart’s fascinating and beautifully illustrated talk.
On Tuesday November 23rd, one of our committee members, Gil Darby spoke on “Porcelain East to West: China to Burghley". The talk was given at Burghley in the Great Hall, and some of the porcelain that she was discussing was on show at the meeting. Afterwards, we had drinks in the Brewhouse, to end what was a delightful evening.
On Wednesday 20th October, we had a joint talk with the Men of the Stones. John Smith spoke on "Baroque Reinstated; neo baroque and classical architecture in the early twentieth century."
The 2010 AGM was on October 7th, at the Town Hall,, and was well attended. The speaker was Tony Burton, Director of Civic Voice, who explained the role of Civic Voice, which is the organisation that has replaced the Civic Trust.
In August, about 30 members visited Oundle, where we were shown round the town by a Blue Badge Guide.
On Thursday July 22nd, six gardens in Barn Hill were open. We did of course choose the one evening in a long time when it rained, but in spite of that, the gardens looked wonderful, and everybody enjoyed themselves. Our thanks to all those who opened their gardens for us.
Our Awards this year were a little different; we had a ‘Views Of The Future Competition’ for young people that aimed to encourage them to think creatively about and influence the future of the town. We asked the children to present their ideas about what they think Stamford might look like in the future and submit either a piece of artwork or a piece of writing. More information can be found on our Awards page.
On Tuesday June 1st a coach load of members visited Lincoln Cathedral, for a talk and guided tours by Dr Philip Dickson, the architectural advisor to several Cathedrals, including Lincoln.
On Wednesday June 16th, we visited Peter Heyes’ garden. Peter does a tremendous amount of planting round the town and this was a chance to see his own wonderful garden. All proceeds from this evening, amounting to about £200 went to the Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust.
In April 2010, we were delighted to welcome Elizabeth Inman, the Director of the Burghley Horse Trials, to talk about 50 years of three day eventing at Burghley. We were all fascinated, both by the details on the horses and the incredible amount of organisation and planning that goes into each year’s event.
On December 3rd, Professor Alan Rogers gave a talk titled “New light on the founding of Browne’s Hospital”.
In November, David Lee gave a fascinating talk on “The Tolethorpe Year” and the staging of the Summer Season there. It made us all look forward to the 2010 season.
The 2009 AGM was held on October 1st in the Town Hall. Our guest speaker was Desmond FitzGerald, Knight of Glin and Executive Director of the Irish Georgian Society, who came over from Ireland for the occasion. He spoke on the history of Irish Gardens.
9th June saw about 18 members paying a memorable visit to Uppingham School. We saw how the school had evolved from some of its oldest buildings, to interesting modern designs and even the building site that within a year will be new sports and science blocks.
On May 20th we returned to the ‘Eco House’ at the Walled Garden, Barnsdale. The weather was reasonably kind and members saw the spring flowers in all their glory, getting a very different view of the gardens from our previous visit.
On 17th March, we had a Guided tour of Peterborough Cathedral, followed by evensong for those who wished to attend. About 30 people went on the visit .
Our first event in 2009 was the 2009 Civic Society Awards Ceremony – to recognize high standards of design and craftsmanship in Stamford. This was a social evening, with lots of time to talk to other members over a glass of wine and light refreshments.
In November 2008, Wolfgang Buttress, the artist involved with the the Gateway Project, talked to an audience of over 60 at Browne’s Hospital. This was followed by a question and answer session. It was a fascinating insight in to how the Project was designed.
The 2008 AGM on September 18th was well attended, and the members thoroughly enjoyed a talk by Crispin Kelly, a builder and architect, on how modern houses should be designed.
The first of our 2008 summer events was a visit to the village of Irnham, where members enjoyed a tour of the Church and a visit to Irnham Hall. The second event in August was very different - a visit to the Eco house being built at Barnsdale, in a wonderful walled garden. Fortunately, the rain stopped just enough for this visit to be possible; we are returning to see the garden again in the Spring of 2009.
Our 2008 Spring talk was given by our President, Orlando Rock, in the Great Hall at Burghley. The talk’s title was “The Sale that never was”, about Dumfries House, a conservation success story.
Our Autumn lecture was given by Charles Crawford, a Landscape Architect and Urban Designer. Titled “Developments and Special Places: A study of two towns”, it compared developments in Stamford with Freiburg in Germany. About 50 people attended, and from the buzz of conversation afterwards, the talk was both enjoyable and thought-provoking.
The 2007 AGM was held on Thursday 27th September in the Town Hall, and was attended by about 50 members. The guest speaker was Peter Neal, Head of Public Space at the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the first Urban Conservation Area in the country in Stamford, the Society arranged a series of lectures in the Arts Centre during 2007:
Lady Victoria Leatham talked about 25 years of conservation at Burghley.
Quinlan Terry, one of the country's most distinguished architects - How to construct a stone building which will last for centuries
Clive Aslet, Editor at Large for Country Life - Some Landmarks of Britain Simon Thurley, Chief Executive of English Heritage - Goodbye England - does anyone out there care?
The last of the 40 years' celebration talks was given by our retiring Chairman, John Plumb.
September 8th and 9th was Heritage weekend, celebrated throughout the UK and Europe. To mark this, we arranged two walks on 9 September, which were enjoyed by about 20 people, one celebrating William Stukeley’s Stamford and the other Medieval Stamford.
On 16 August, a group of members visited Ayscoughfee Hall, Spalding. Lottery money in rural Lincolnshire has helped to restore this impressive late fifteenth century building, now the local museum and formal gardens.
Thursday 27 May: Talk by Joe Whitehead, Head Gardener at Burghley House, "Burghley House Garden Developments.” Our Society has always enjoyed a close relationship with one of Stamford’s major heritage attractions, Burghley House and indeed our Honorary President is Orlando Rock. For our May event, the fifth talk in our ‘virtual talk season’ featured Burghley’s Head Gardener, Joe Whitehead who gave us a very comprehensive and pictorially excellent presentation covering the history of the park and gardens plus recent large project activities.
Joe explained that he had started his gardening career as a Burghley apprentice and, after some eighteen years as a ‘journeyman gardener’ through positions of increasing responsibility at a wide variety of well known horticultural locations, was delighted to return to Burghley as Head Gardener with a supporting staff of six gardeners and fifteen volunteers. In addition to walking us through the existing park and garden features, he revealed a number of projects, ongoing and planned, reinstating the massive very much neglected ‘walled garden’; clearing significant overgrowth, particularly of laurel, reinstating impressive wide vistas and revealing attractive water courses that were part of the lake overflow management system. After a short discussion, Joe remarked that he hoped Members would be able to visit the new developments in the not too distant future adding to the attractions of the House, Garden of Surprises, Sculpture Gardens and the Park itself.
Thursday 29 April: Talk by Stuart Orme, “Lady Margaret Beaufort and her palace at Collyweston.” A sizeable group of Members and guests logged in to listen to an intriguing talk regarding ‘The Tudor Age’ including the ‘War of the Roses’ and the sacking of Stamford, under Margaret of Anjou, as background to Lady Margaret Beaufort’s life. Stuart gave an extremely detailed and comprehensive review of the relationships and lives of those making up the royal ‘houses’ of the period. Evidently Margaret Beaufort was quite a characterful lady, although not officially part of the ‘royal blood line’, she was hugely influential. She became a mother at age thirteen, was implicated in a house plot, impeached as a traitor, became an important influence on Henry, was the ‘Patron of Learning’ and amassed a large property portfolio including a giant and luxurious palace at Collyweston. We were treated to a fascinating story very well told with the authority born of Stuart’s profound knowledge base and experience of managing and participating in many cultural events over a number of years.
Thursday 25 March: Talk by Cllr David Taylor, Cllr David Taylor, SKDC Leader Cllr Kelham Cooke and Burghley Estates CEO David Pennell, “A Catch-up on the Future of Stamford.” Our March ‘virtual’ event proved extremely popular and was very well received by the Members who were clearly and understandably curious about the current status of residential and commercial developments foreseen for Stamford over the next few years i.e. “The Shape of Things to Come!”. Between our Committee Member Cllr David Taylor, the Council Leader of SKDC Cllr Kelham Cooke, and Burghley Estates CEO David Pennell we enjoyed a brief review of the recently issued “Stamford Neighbourhood Plan (SNP)” and more detailed information on the aspects of the larger developments proposed for North Stamford and St. Martin’s Park (ex Cummins site). David Taylor explained the background and context of the SNP within the national planning process and then outlined its key features. Kelham Cooke and David Pennell expounded the social and commercial pressures driving the two major development plans in St. Martin’s Park and North Stamford respectively. A lively Q&A session followed and the Chairman expressed his appreciation to the speakers for the informative clear and open way in which they had addressed the Members. He also noted that there were presently in place a plethora of consultations on changing the local planning process with the objective of delivering a “significantly simpler, faster and more predictable system” and, as a sizeable community group, the Society Members were ready and keen to make a significant contribution to the process, particularly in the very early concept stages.
Thursday 25 February: Talk by David Lankester, delivered online: “A Brief History of the ‘Men of the Stones’ Society.” Although we were unable to run our events programme last year, the Society was still functioning and our long-time good friend and supporter, committee member David Lankester was busying himself setting up the absorption of the ‘Men of the Stones’ society into our organisation. (The Men of the Stones formlly became part of the Society during 2020.) David, then was the appropriate person to tell us something about the history of our new ‘acquisition’. David told us that ‘The Men of the Stones’ was founded in 1947, by Arch Ireson and Edmund Easedaile (Esdaile). It had national aspirations and it had ten stated aims, but above all, it aimed “to encourage the practice and appreciation of the Arts and Crafts of Architecture, including Stone Masonry, Sculpture/Carving, Painting, Gilding, Wrought Iron, and Cast Lead Work”. Under Arch Ireson and Edmund Easedaile there was a very high profile Top Table and a long and impressive list of Business Members coming from all over the country.
The Society gained an enviable reputation with its frequent unique trips to historic houses, its high quality lectures and its comprehensive Year Book and in 1999, when David was a ‘Stones’ committee member, the society enjoyed the support of 360 ‘Ordinary’ members and 90 ‘Trade’ members. Michael Tebbutt, who took over the chairmanship in 2000, was a man of huge energy and enthusiasm taking the lead in all the society’s activities for a period of some 11 years. When he stepped down in 2012 there was a huge void and the Society’s momentum very quickly diminished. David expressed his views on why the society collapsed at such a rate - an uninspiring name, the age of the membership and the lack of focus on Stamford itself leaving space for other organizations such as Stamford Civic Society to establish themselves as the guardians of local conservation. In the end the ‘Stones’ fell between two stools – it didn’t really have the clout to play in any National league and didn’t show enough interest in its local base. David gave us an interesting insight into the larger than life characters who formed the heart of the ‘Stones’ over some 70 years and his lucid, light presentation style, aided by a split screen slide show, made for an exceptionally enjoyable talk.
After expressing appreciation for David’s talk, the Chairman invited Members to contact the Secretary if they wished to obtain a free copy of a Society publication entitled “The Stones of Stamford Revisited” by Rachel Morley – it reviews the different stone types used in Stamford from various local quarries and describes with many excellent pictures the mechanism of their deterioration.
Thursday 28 January: Talk by Jeremy Gibbs, delivered online: How Stamford Became the first Conservation Town. Following the forced cancellation of three quarters of our 2020 social events programme as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and, bearing in mind the current situation, the Committee concluded that a move to ‘Virtual’ talks in the medium term would be a way to restore momentum for 2021. We successfully launched this strategy on the evening of Thursday 28th. January where we saw a substantial number of Members and guests ‘log-in’ to hear our good friend Jeremy Gibbs give us a very professionally presented talk reminding us “How Stamford Became the First Conservation Town”. With the aid of slides of maps, sketches and pertinent comments contained within reports compiled by Local Planning Officer, Dr. Fennell in the early 1960s, Jeremy provided an entertaining and lucid commentary on Dr. Fennell’s inspired approach to the assessment of the value of the built heritage of the Town. He showed how the appeal of our market town was not just the individual buildings themselves but in the settings, street scenes, road layout, natural features and historical groupings. In the late 1960’s, when the National Government began to show an interest in town conservation (after some brutal redevelopment of a number characterful towns), Dr. Fennell’s research and reports were ‘oven ready’ for submission and Stamford was awarded first ‘Conservation Town’ status in 1967. A lively discussion, mainly relating to future Government proposals to ease town planning restrictions, followed the talk and the importance of the recently drafted ‘Stamford Neighbourhood Plan’ was recognised. Overall our first Virtual Event was very well received and hearty thanks were expressed to Jeremy, not only for his superb presentation but alongside, his ‘orchestration’ of all the technical IT aspects of the meeting.
A number of events were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Saturday 20 June: Midsummer Party at St Leonard's Priory postponed to 2021.
Thursday 11 June: Burghley Private House Tour with Orlando Rock followed by Dr Simon Thurley Burghley 500 Lecture cancelled.
Thursday 21 May: Visit to Hatfield House, Herts cancelled.
Thursday 30 April: Visit to RAF Wittering cancelled.
Thursday 20 February: Talk by James Buckman, SES Archivist, The Growth and Development of Stamford High School. Members were presented with a very different location to the usual talks venue of Browne’s Hospital, they went back to school! – in the impressive surroundings of the Ancaster Studio of Stamford High School for Girls. The Archivist of the Stamford Endowed Schools, James Buckman delivered a fascinating talk beginning with his initial task of putting in order a particularly untidy pile of old school documents, files and reports residing in a rather forlorn school storage space. He then went on to relate the history of the school, explaining that it was in the late nineteenth century when the formal education of girls was established (the boys having been catered for two hundred years before!). It was the end of World War Two before the Education Act made it a legal requirement for every child to receive a basic education in ‘reading: writing: and arithmetic’. James covered in some detail the very rapid expansion of the Girls' School through the ages with, during one period, a building acquisition or new build taking place on a yearly basis. Questions and contributions from the audience provided an informative and entertaining conclusion to the talk and the group then enjoyed refreshments in the reception area of the facility.
Thursday 16 January: The warm open-hearth fire at Browne’s Hospital provided a welcome backdrop on an unfriendly January evening as we listened intently to a truly fascinating talk by our good SCS friend Martin Lander, Once Upon a Time -- reflections on our calendar. Martin, a fully qualified clock repairer who spent twelve years in his own business immediately before his retirement, covered the stories behind the totally illogical current time scales we use to measure a wide range of repeatable activities. With some humour he related the historical development of the need for time measurement ending with some pictures of public clocks in Stamford, which we were asked to name. Martin was thanked heartily for a very entertaining and professionally presented talk which generated a deal of discussion in the social period that followed on.
Thursday 19 December: Members enjoyed a Seasonal Reception in the warmth of Browne's Hospital with its open fire.
Thursday November 21st: on a very chilly November evening the cosy atmosphere of Browne’s Hospital Hall, with its warm open fire, was a welcoming location for our Event. A change to our speaker was necessary as result of the sad passing last August of Gill Darby who was scheduled to speak on ‘The Fine Arts’. Bearing in mind the very topical news headline issue of widespread river flooding, we were fortunate to be able to engage Chris French from The Welland Rivers Trust to talk to us about river flow management. Chris gave us an informative and entertaining presentation with some excellent visual aids. He covered the impact over the years of river rerouting and deterioration (through lack of appropriate maintenance) and explained the current strategy of ‘catchment based’ water management with its implications in respect of ground works and funding. Chris’s talk was followed up by an update on the local Millstream Improvement Project by Amelia Billington, Project Manager and Andy Sadler from the Environment Agency. After a lively Q&A session the evening concluded with our usual enjoyable social element.
Thursday 19 September: visit to Ketton Cement. Members painted a somewhat surreal scene as they stood in their bright orange jackets, white helmets, goggles and protective gloves in the middle of a huge Rutland quarry on a glorious Autumn day – they were taking part in September’s SCS outing to Hanson Cement, Ketton works. ‘Awesome’ was the only word to describe this Giant’s chemical ‘kitchen’ utilizing mined limestone and clay ingredients, massive mixers and milling equipment and ‘cooking’ in a huge horizontal rotating ‘oven’ at a kiln temperature of 1,450 degrees to produce 4,000 tonnes per day of cement. We were shown the complete continuous process from the initial crushing and mixing of batches of 150 tonnes of discrete limestone deposits with 30 tonnes of special clay, to the impressive bagging, loading and shipping facilities on this 20 square mile site. We also viewed the large bat cave that had to be created in order to move this protected species out of adjacent woodland to allow for further quarrying. We were very cordially hosted, everyone thoroughly enjoyed our guide’s humour and his extensive knowledge and we wound up the visit with a pleasurable buffet lunch.
Thursday 22 August: ‘The Ancient Trees of Burghley’ with Peter Glassey, Head Forester.
On a quite balmy August afternoon Peter Glassey, the Head Forrester at Burghley, took us to parts of the Park that others cannot reach! He gave us an absorbing introduction to the historical development of the park, particularly the influence of Capability Brown in creating stunning vistas through his major water and ground works and inspirational planting. Brown’s intelligent use of the local geology incorporating the limestone / clay fault line and the type and positioning of a wide variety of trees had produced a spectacular result. In visiting the trees, some around 800 years old, and also Peter’s favourite tree (he appeared to have a large number of these!), we learnt about the interdependence of the tree and micro organisms, the tree’s natural instincts for preservation including the growth of trunk ‘strut’ and ‘buttress’ configurations with attendant bark forms and even a tree’s ability to shed branches that are causing stress to the tree structure as a whole.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the scenery and also the realization that the general often ‘taken-for- granted’ common tree has a true beauty that is much more than skin deep!
Thursday 25 July, 7.30pm: Michael Cross, Head of Arts in SKDC, gave us a fascinating insight into the Stamford Georgian Festival, its organization asn its importance as part of the Heritage Arts centre of economic growth within SKDC. Michael’s depth of knowledge from a long and widely based experience in the art of theatre readily supported his submission that his primary role was to ‘join up the dots’ of cross disciplines working to deliver inspirational events. His enthusiasm and presentation style coupled with our usual social interlude made for a really ‘feel good’ event.
Friday 21 June: After a nervy week of weather watching, our Friday evening Midsummer Day Party took place in the enchanting setting of a sun bathed St Leonard’s Priory. The event attracted one of the largest groups of Members and Guests we have hosted to date for this annual occasion. With a light musical background provided by lone saxophonist Roger Hudson complemented by some very respectable liquid refreshment and a substantial finger buffet the atmosphere was truly delightful. Add in the sounds of animated chatter and laughter and this rather special summer solstice celebration was enjoyed by all.
Thursday 23 May: Our May 2019 Event was originally planned as a visit to RAF Wittering but, for base operational reasons, we were unable to go ahead. However, the replacement event at Browne’s Hospital in the evening in no way disappointed. Well respected local historian Philippa Massey took us for a ‘walk’ along St. Martin’s high street and its ‘tributaries’ covering the history of each building in this once separate township of St. Martins South of the river. The origin of each ancient site was explained in Philippa’s clear and sometimes ‘tongue-in-cheek’ presentation style and the very wide and varied activities and businesses that each building had hosted over the years made for a fascinating and extremely enjoyable talk. After some further interesting responses to guests’ questions, a social period with light refreshments rounded off a very successful evening.
Thursday 11 April: our April Event at Browne's Hospital saw Don Chiswell of Peterborough Museum entertain us with the fascinating history of both the Longthorpe Tower building itself and the artefacts within. Don took us on a detailed ‘tour’ of the considerable art works displayed on the inner wall surfaces, most dating from the 14th Century. After a lively question time, Don was thanked for his erudite presentation delivered with humour and Members then enjoyed a short social period before heading home.
Thursday 21 March: at the annual Members’ Evening, Andrew Norman and Claire Saunders from Invest SK spoke on Stamford’s Heritage and the Visitor Economy. Claire, the Heritage Regeneration Officer for Invest SK, began the talk by outlining her role in the organisation. Her department could give help to other organisations in developing heritage projects with special reference to such areas as Liaison, Promotion, Capacity Building, Funding Support and Heritage Alive Grants. Information on the latter was available on the Heritage Alive website. An ongoing project was Wayfinding and Claire sought help from SCS members in developing Wayfinding maps. She made it very clear that Invest SK was a resource for us! Her final point was to emphasise the need for SCS members to respond to the online LCC questionnaire on the future of heritage services in Lincolnshire.
Andrew Norman is the Head of Visitor economy for Invest SK. He gave an entertaining talk on the effect of visitors (not tourists!) to the South Kesteven economy. He talked about developing the SK visitor economy in the areas of markets, businesses (especially cafés and hotels), high streets and sport. He especially emphasised the importance of utilising social media. Finally he mentioned the Invest SK website and referred to the brochure Discover South Kesteven. To conclude he showed a short film heralding the District.
There followed a series of questions from a very interested audience.
Thursday 21 February: our February event proved extremely popular and was very well received by the Members who were clearly and understandably curious about the residential and commercial developments foreseen for Stamford over the next 20/25 years – “The Shape of Things to Come”. Our Committee Member Cllr. David Taylor with the Council Leader of SKDC Cllr. Matthew Lee gave detailed presentations on the involvement of the community in the long term strategic plan, the legal process, and Central Government imposed demands and constraints for our local area. A lively Q&A session followed and a convivial social period wound up the evening.
Thursday 24 January: a large audience listened to an absorbing and very well presented talk from a popular long-term resident of Stamford and enthusiastic supporter of all things ministerial, civic and social, the Rev. David Bond. David used the establishment and location of Stamford’s Medieval Churches as a vehicle for recounting the ancient history of the Town from the first Danish military settlement through the ‘great days’ of the thriving walled town to the decimation of the population as a result of the ‘Black Death’ in the fourteenth century. He concluded with a description of the salient features of the six churches.
Thursday, 22 November: “Did Dr Fennell Save Stamford?” Ex-chairman Gwyneth Gibbs gave an illustrated talk about Dr Kenneth Fennell and how Stamford became the first Conservation Area.
Thursday, 11 October: The 2018 Annual General Meeting was held in the Town Hall. We were delighted to welcome many of those receiving awards as well as people connected with Nelson Dawson, Orlando Rock, our President welcomed members and ran the formal part of the evening, including the Chairman's and Treasurer's reports that can be found in the Archives section of this website. Jim Mason was elected as Chairman, as Gwyneth Gibbs stood down after 11 years in the role. Martin Lander stood down as Treasurer, and is replaced by Andrew Moore.
Dr Jocelyn Chatterton introduced a short presentation on the new blue plaque celebrating Nelson Dawson, and introduced two of his relatives who had joined us. Also present was one of the owners of the building on which the plaque is fixed. This was followed by the 2018 Civic Society Awards. Members then circulated for a glass or two of wine.
Tuesday, 25 September: A joint meeting with the St Peter’s Community Group, when a recently produced short film on the life and work of Rutland Terrace resident Anne-Marie Evans was shown. Anne-Marie is a noted botanical artist who practises and teaches in many parts of the world.
Saturday, 23 June: Members and guests enjoyed warm weather, if not unbroken sunshine, at St. Leonard’s Priory for the popular annual summer drinks party. We were delighted to welcome the Mayor of Stamford, Mr Max Sawyer, as our guest. Member Anabel Morris provided refreshments, which were highly praised, especially the cheese scones! We are grateful to the many others who made the event such a success.
Tuesday, 12 June: a small band of enthusiastic members visited Cambridge, returning the Cambridge Blue Badge Guides' visit to Stamford in 2016. Our host was guide Liz Hodder, who entertainingly and informatively led us around the core of the historic university town. There was then free time to enjoy the many visual and epicurean attractions.
Thursday, 12 April: Simon Harris of Harris McCormack spoke on “An Architect’s Thoughts on Building in Stamford in the 21st Century”. Simon, through his architectural work, aimed to protect and enhance whole areas and individual buildings. Buildings, particularly those that are listed, needed to be seen in the context of their surroundings; details were all-important. Examples of his Stamford work included eight new houses in Marshall’s Yard, a striking modern eco-house on Priory Road and a modern extension in Water Street. Simon highlighted the differences between private and commercial projects and pointed out that enhancement is as important as preservation.
Thursday, 8 March: 37 members attended the annual informal members' meeting round the fire at Browne's. Nominations for awards were invited. The Urban Group gave an update on their wide range of activities: the topics of verges and Red Lion Square were discussed in detail. SKDC was considering Article 4 Directions to improve the preservation of conservation areas.
Thursday, 8 February: Dr Melissa Thompson gave a talk entitled '70 Years of Listing Buildings'. Dr Thompson, a Designation Adviser at Historic England, is actively involved in the listing process. She gave an excellent presentation which was well researched, superbly illustrated and delivered with both passion and humour.
Tuesday 14 November: Members visited Spalding Gentlemen's Society, founded in 1710 as a coffee house club for gentlemen to discuss new ideas and discoveries. Notable members included William Stukeley, Sir Isaac Newton, Alfred, Lord Tennyson and Sir Joseph Banks. The club's wide-ranging collections of objects, books and archives became a museum in 1911. John Smith introduced us to Stukeley's 18th century drawings of Stamford.
Thursday 5 October: A well-attended Annual General Meeting was held at the Town Hall, followed by a convivial social event over a drink. A full report will appear in the Annual Review in January.
Thursday, 28 September: The Civic Society celebrated the 50th anniversary of Stamford becoming the UK's first Conservation Area - on the exact day - with a reception at the Society's exhibition in the Arts Centre, which was open to the public between 20 and 28 September. A separate web page gives further information about the Society's activities in this special year.
Thursday 3 August: 20 members enjoyed a private tour of Grimsthorpe Castle. The building is packed with history and we left feeling that we had only scratched the surface of the 3000-acre estate. Most of us enjoyed tea and cake afterwards.
Wednesday 21 June: A fortunate group of ballot-winning members enjoyed the heatwave on a private visit to Burghley House. Exceptionally, they were able to visit the spectacular roof, enjoying views over the park, and a number of rooms that are not open to the public. We were most grateful to everybody at Burghley who made this possible.
Saturday 17 June: Members and guests enjoyed splendid early summer weather for our annual early evening drinks party at St Leonard’s Priory. Perhaps in consequence, we had the largest attendance for (at least) some years.
Thursday 4 May: Town Councillor David Taylor, Chairman of Stamford First, spoke about the Stamford Local Plan.. This is important for the future of the town, and it was an excellent opportunity for members to hear about the progress being made.
Thursday 20 April: In his recently published book, Simon Jenkins writes that “The medieval cathedral is the most spectacular and lasting accomplishment of the English people.” We are fortunate to have an outstanding example on our doorstep at Peterborough and on 20 April, 22 members of the Society had an informative and enjoyable tour of this great building conducted by two of the Cathedral’s knowledgeable and enthusiastic guides.
Thursday 16 March: Our annual informal members' meeting round the fire at Browne's Hospital focused on highways issues. Our guest was County Councillor David Brailsford and approximately 40 members attended. The Chairman reported that the committee is seeking a Chairman and Secretary plus new committee members. Volunteers were needed! Martin Lander has taken over the role of Membership Secretary from Melanie Sockett. In future, all talks at Browne’s Hospital will be ticketless. On 4 May, Cllr Taylor will talk at Browne’s about Stamford First’s Local Plan - £3.50 on the door. Members’ interest was sought for August garden outings: Grimsthorpe Castle and Foxtail Lilly’s in Oundle were the favourites. Mike Sockett reported that Peter Stean will update the “Paving The Way” review. (Subsequently, Cllr. Brailsford sent a copy to Highways for their attention.) He suggested at the meeting that members use the LCC website to report any highway faults or call 01522 782070 (8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday) and not the unreliable “Up My Street”. There followed a Q&A session with County Councillor David Brailsford, which members commented they had found enlightening.
Thursday 16 February: Stuart Orme made a welcome return with a talk entitled "900 Years of an Icon: Peterborough Cathedral, Past, Present and Future." Stuart is Head of Operations at the Cathedral. This was an excellent introduction prior to the Society's visit to the Cathedral in April.
Thursday 17th November: Gil Darby gave another talk. After Wedgwood a couple of years ago, we moved to Meissen, with a talk entitled “A Passion for Porcelain; the Early Days of the Meissen Factory”.
Thursday October 13th: The Society's Annual General meeting and Awards Evening was held at the Town Hall. The Chairman's report, including details of the Awards, the Treasurer's report and the 2015 minutes can be found here.
Tuesday September 20th: A group of 13 members enjoyed a talk and tour of Octavia Hill’s Birthplace in Wisbech. We were welcomed by Peter Clayton, the Chairman of the Octavia Hill Birthplace Trust. The whole operation is run by volunteers; a truly remarkable achievement.
Wednesday 17th August: A group of 25 members enjoyed a conducted tour of Apethorpe Palace, one of England’s greatest country houses. It is now privately owned and English Heritage provided two very knowledgeable tour guides who, over a two hour period, explained the architecture and history of the building to the fascination of all.
Saturday 16 July: Our annual evening event was held at St. Leonard's Priory. Drinks, music, the attendance of local artist Karen Neale and reasonable weather all ensured a successful evening. We were delighted to welcome residents from the Priory Nursing home and their carers. The Society's new note cards were on sale.
Thursday 9th June: members enjoyed a private evening tour of Browne’s Hospital, followed by coffee and cakes. The weather cooperated to make it an even better event!
Thursday 2nd June: Professor Alan Short, the Professor of Architecture at Cambridge University and a Fellow of Clare Hall gave a fascinating talk.
Wednesday April 13th: Our annual members' meeting was held at Browne's Hospital. This is an opportunity to chat informally about the Society, and we were delighted to see over 60 members there. The Chairman reported on:
- Two new co-opted committee members (Jean Bevan and David Lankester)
- Stamford First Project.
- Kier Living development update.
- Society reserves of approx. £8,000 – no large project would be sanctioned without members’ agreement.
- Current confused position about the status of the Museum Store.
- Did members have any ideas for the Awards’ Evening [plus AGM] on October 13th?
- The print of St Leonard’s Priory kindly donated by member Dave Baxter was shown.
- Town improvement projects eg Sensory Garden and benches on Water Street
- Peter Heyes’ lead on greening projects.
- Planned refurbishment of St Michael’s Churchyard.
- The Group’s help to replace the four bronze plaques that have gone missing.
- Installation of four new lights on the Town Bridge later in 2016, plus the lighting upgrade in Red Lion Square, done with the Group’s help.
Melanie Sockett reported on upcoming events and talks for members, and mentioned the launch of the greeting card sets, hopefully at the St Leonard’s Priory event in July.
Peter Stevens reported on his work on the Bastion Project, Phase 2:
- He explained that he had found 4 quotes for the restoration of the Bastion and had contacted Historic England and Hirst Conservation.
- The Chairman explained that the Society could not resource it (it is owned by SKDC) but could consider “seed funding” it. The general feel of the meeting was that this would be an acceptable use of Society funds.
- Pleased to see improvement over the last year to Cheyne Lane and thanks to Cllr Dawson for the statue of Hermes.
- Re: The Bastion Project: St Peter’s Community Group would be prepared to give a modest donation towards any work, and would continue to keep the area tidy, for which the Society was very thankful.
- Graffiti exercised the minds of several members. Cllr. Taylor would try to tackle this.
- More benches were needed in the town centre.
- Cllr. Taylor spoke about Stamford First and reiterated that Society members would be involved with the Heritage & Environment Topic Group, to be chaired by David Pennell.
- A possible development at Hudd’s Mill and a plan for 1,000 new houses in Borderville were mentioned and a watching brief would be kept.
- The balance of talks and visits was considered to be okay. A visit to Wothorpe Towers was suggested.
- The suggestion of the building of a super-surgery by Lakeside on Stamford Hospital land was mentioned. The Fever Wards there were listed but could not be used by the Hospital as their condition was inadequate.
- With the increase of the population of the town, it was suggested that Stamford Museum could be re-opened. It was agreed that the main concern was to ensure that the objects in the Museum Store were kept together.
Wednesday February 24th: Lionel Wall gave a highly entertaining talk about the English Church from the Romans to the Reformation.
Wednesday November 4th: A talk by the Front of House Manager of John Clare's Cottage, David Dykes on the Life of John Clare.
Thursday October 15th: The 2015 AGM was held at the Town Hall. About 70 members attended' unfortunately, our President, Orlando Roack was unable to attend, because of a last-minute work commitment.
Saturday June 20th: Our annual St Leonard's Priory event took place. Members and guests braved the damp weather to celebrate both Midsummer and the Society’s work to rescue and conserve St Leonard’s Priory. This beautiful and ancient building is the sole remnant of a Norman period structure in Stamford. We were delighted to meet new members and people living near the Priory, who came along to explore the atmospheric site and find out more about the Society.
Tuesday June 2nd: a private visit to Island Hall, Godmanchester. Even on such a blustery day as our visit Island Hall, situated in the heart of Godmanchester on the banks of the River Great Ouse, looked charming. It is an elegant red brick, early-Georgian mansion, built in classical style in 1749 for John Jackson Esq., Receiver General for Huntingdonshire. The three-storey central part is flanked by two-storey wings, and both river and street frontage are identical. In 1804 the property and estate was purchased by the family of our hosts for the visit – Christopher and Lady Linda Vane Percy.
Island Hall was much altered and damaged during and after WWII, including by a fire in 1977. The property came back into the family when the Vane Percys purchased it in 1983. The house and garden today have been lovingly restored to the eighteenth century design and family heirlooms and portraits decorate the rooms. Gardens enclosed by 18th century brick walls are connected by a Chinese-style bridge to the island in the River Great Ouse from which the house takes its name.
Tuesday May 26th: Open garden in Stamford – Peter Heyes opened his garden for us. About 50 members attended on a beautiful early summer evening that was so much better than what had been promised by the weather forecast. A collection on the evening for the charity of Peter's choice raised £300.
Thursday April 23rd: Stuart Orme spoke to an almost full house on “Georgian Peterborough”.
Members' meeting March 11th
About 45 members attended; we sat round the fire, and following an introduction summarising some of the things we are doing, the planning sub-committee consisting of John Smith, James Heesom and David Healey was introduced. John summarised the work the sub-committee carries out on behalf of the executive committee. Following that, we discussed a number of issues/suggestions. Among these were:
1. Annual review: should it be A5 or A4? Next year, we will include a membership form in the hope that you will show the review to your friends and persuade them to join the Society.
2. Newsletter: from the next issue, brief mention will be made of any planning responses of significant interest.
3. A group of Canadians is making a visit to Stamford on Tuesday July 21st; any volunteers to help show them round the town for an hour or so in the morning, please contact us. Our thanks to the people who volunteered at the meeting – we will be in touch with more information nearer the time.
4. Martin Grimes is stepping down as Treasurer at the next AGM; please let us know if you are interested in taking over. Martin will help with the items that may not be familiar, such as the annual return and managing gift aid, while a new person gets up to speed.
5. Help in general. We are looking for volunteers from members who would like to help either with projects or visit/talk planning. Please contact us if you are interested.
6. The Bastion. Peter Stevens reported work was complete on the outside; we are talking to English Heritage about the interior of the walls.
7. The southern entrance to the town – the verges are a mess because of cars parking there. We are looking for solutions.
8. A request was made that we look at the state of Cheyne Lane. This has been passed to the planning sub-committee.
Thursday February 19th: recent Civic Society Award winner, David Ellis gave an illustrated talk on “My Life as a Collyweston Slater” from apprentice to master slater. Members were amazed at some of the working conditions shown in his slides - total disregard for modern health and safety standards.
Thursday November 27th: David Pennell, the Estate Director for the Burghley Estate spoke to a packed house about the the day to day issues and intricacies of looking after the Estate's properties in Stamford.
Thursday 23rd October: “Bless and Tell” - a talk by Civic Society Member, Canon Donald Gray. Donald was involved at Westminster Abbey for many years, and spoke about the history of the institution and his time there, to a full house at Browne's Hospital.
Thursday October 9th: Civic Society AGM and Awards evening at the Town Hall. The Minutes of the 2013 AGM and the March 2014 SGM were passed. During the Chairman's report, New College students showed clips from their videos about the sundial project. After the formal part of the evening, the Society's 2014 Awards were presented by Orlando Rock, our President. Award details and a picture are here.
Saturday 21st June: Midsummer’s Eve at St Leonard’s Priory
In the beautiful setting of St Leonard’s Priory members and their guests enjoyed a memorable midsummer’s evening which celebrated the work the Society has done to restore and maintain this important medieval building. The weather was, for once, splendid. As the evening drew towards the close over 60 people packed into the Priory building to attend Compline, the order for night prayer, led by Canon Donald Gray.
Compline is the final church service of the day for many monastic orders, and emphasised spiritual peace after the working day. St Leonard’s Priory followed the Rule of St Benedict and this service would have been one of the important Offices of the day.
For the first time in hundreds of years the Priory resounded to the evocative chants of a choir – or schola – which was led by the cantor, Reverend Gavin Cooper, parish priest of St Mary and St Martin. The singers, who were members of the choir for these churches, enabled the audience to experience the beautiful choral tradition of the monastic way of life.
Friday June 13th : A day in Kings Lynn. Dr Paul Richards, our Blue Badge guide, gave a fascinating and fact-packed insight into the history of King’s Lynn – from its early settlement, built on spoil from Anglo-Saxon salt-making, to its gentle decline with the coming of the railways.
King’s Lynn was England’s most important port in the 14th century and retains many historic buildings which reflect its seafaring activities. We visited the 15th century Hanse House, a former warehouse of the Hanseactic League, and St George’s Guildhall, the most complete and largest surviving guildhall in the country. Even the minster church of St Margaret demonstrates the importance of the sea to the town with its moon clock showing the phases of the moon and also the next high and low tide.
Our afternoon visit to Clifton House, the most complete medieval merchant's house in England, was hosted by its owner, Dr Simon Thurley, historian and Chief Executive of English Heritage. He gave us a wonderful tour, which illustrated the various historic features of the house and emphasised the wealth of the merchants who built it. Following a climb to the top of the five-storey Elizabethan tower we enjoyed tea and cakes in the garden. A splendid day out!
Wednesday 21st May: Visit to Oakham Castle – organized by the Friends of Rutland County Museum and Oakham Castle. The weather was perfect, and about 30 people had a very pleasant afternoon. The Castle's ex-curator showed the party round.
Thursday 10th April: Rachel Morley's talk, "The Stones of Stamford" was given by Elizabeth Hirst, the founder of Hirst Conservation. It ranged over the types of local stone, how damage occurs and what can be done to repair/renovate damaged stone. Note that the May newsletter has some extra comments from Rachel about the questions that were asked.
Thursday 20th March: Dave Gamston from York spoke on “Historic Pub Interiors: a Conservation Issue”. Dave is a member of CAMRA, and few of us realised how much they are involved in Conservation.
Wednesday 5th March: Members' meeting and Special General Meeting
A Special General Meeting to approve the Society's revised constitution was held on Wednesday March 5th at 7.30 pm at Browne's Hospital. The revised constitution was approved, and can be seen here.
The Special General Meeting was followed by an informal members’ meeting round the fire, in the same style as that held in 2013. Members discussed a number of issues, including:
- Redesigned Planter, High Street – only one tree and smaller planter preferred
- Poor state of St Michael’s Cemetery – Urban Group will contact Skells Trust
- Bastion joint project (Civic Society/Urban Group) – agreed by members
- New lighting, Red Lion Square – agreed would prefer Skells Trust to pay
- Blank wall near New Look – agreed they are interested in Peter Stean’s project
- Other activities in Red Lion Square (like artists on Fridays) to be encouraged
- New seats in Red Lion Square would be acceptable
- Appreciative murmurs re free Annual Review booklet
- Cornmarket Arches (outside Browne’s Hospital 1833-59) project – some interest shown by members
- Agreed would like Society to explore partial funding for Stamford Community Orchard Group’s desire to improve the railway station
- Pleased to hear Civic Society working to improve Fryers’ Callis
- GMG to contact Ian Wright as concerns raised re colour of Saffron Lounge restaurant and their potential mis/use of the undercroft.
- Pleased that Moshulu paint colour to be changed by Civic Society pressure
- Members did not want communications from anyone other than the committee
- But agreed they could be asked via newsletter if they would like contact to be made
- All issues re pavements – they agreed to pass on to Peter Stean via Society’s secretary. Improving the pavements in the High Street would be appreciated.
- Members want to continue to have an annual Members’ Meeting
On Wednesday 15th January, Dr Jocelyn Chatterton spoke about “Life in Qing Dynasty China – Emperors, Concubines and Eunuchs”. Jocelyn lectures at SOAS and SEAS (in Sheffield) and gave us a fascinating insight into court life during the closing stages of this dynasty.
On Thursday 13th February: Gil Darby gave her third talk to the Society on “Josiah Wedgwood - “Vase Maker General to the Universe”to a close to capacity audience at Browne's Hospital. We are now discussing a visit to the Wedgwood Museum in stoke.
Wednesday 6 November a private visit to the refurbished Peterborough Museum. About 20 members met for a glass of wine, followed by a guided tour round the recently refurbished museum. We had the museum to ourselves, an excellent guide and were able to take the visit at a comfortable pace for everyone.
Thursday 3 October AGM. The AGM was held in the Town Hall. All resolutions were passed. Our speaker this year was Nick Boles, who is not only the Member of Parliament for Grantham and Stamford, but also the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Planning. Nick gave an entertaining talk and a lively discussion followed.
Saturday and Sunday 14 and 15 September were the Stamford Civic Society Heritage Open Days. This year the program was about material matters, including visits to Stamford's Churches, walks round the town looking at the stone used as building material and an exhibition of Colleyweston slate.
On Thursday 5 September, members visited Milton Hall, near Peterborough. Milton Hall dates from 1594, being the historical home of the Fitzwilliam family. Our tour guide gave us an enthralling, informative and amusing commentary on the history of the house and the family. The last alterations to the house were made in the late eighteenth century and externally it presents an attractive combination of Tudor architecture on the north front and early Georgian on the south. The weather made a walk in the gardens a perfect end to the visit.
On Thursday 11 July, about 85 members toured open Gardens around St George’s Square and St Mary’s. The weather was perfect, and the gardens were fascinating - and very different. The evening finished with drinks at the Arts Centre. We are giving the major part of the profits to the Stamford Street Pastors.
On Tuesday 18 June, 23 members of the Society were given a tour of the private quarters of Burghley House. We were greeted by Mr and Mrs Rock and their youngest daughter and also by the House archivist and historian, John Culverhouse. For the next two hours Orlando Rock, President of the Society, showed us the sumptuous yet at the same time informal private living rooms of the house and the remarkable treasures contained within them. He and John Culverhouse kept up an informed and fascinating commentary. At the conclusion of the evening wines and snacks were served on the lawns courtesy of our President and Mrs Rock.
As a small gesture of appreciation for their hospitality the Society has made a donation to the Histiocytosis Research Trust
On Saturday 11 May, nearly 70 people enjoyed a coffee morning at St Leonard’s Priory. The Society looks after the site of St. Leonard’s Priory and has improved it over the years by installing an information board and planting many spring bulbs and a Mulberry tree. Canon Donald Gray performed a brief dedication service for the tree.
On Thursday 11 April about 40 people enjoyed a tour and talk at Tolethorpe Hall, at the perfect time of year to visit Tolethorpe; everything is ready for the new season, there are lambs in the fields and the blossom is out.
On Wednesday 6 March, we held a members’ meeting to give members a more informal occasion to hear about the work and plans of the Society than is possible at the Annual General Meeting. We also asked for feedback on issues that you think are important for the Society to address. About 50 members attended, and heard about plans for the Newsletter and Journal, as well as the Sundial project, coming events, the Urban Group and the QR code project.
On Wednesday February 27th, Dr. Frank King, Chairman of the Sundial Society spoke on “Sundials and the history of reckoning time”. The talk described how Sundials work and explained how different designs have been used to indicate different kinds of time.
On Wednesday January 30th, Stephen Alford made a welcome return to talk about his latest book, “The Watchers - A Secret History of the Reign of Elizabeth I”, exploring the murky world of espionage at the Elizabethan court, focussing on the men prepared to destroy or defend their queen.
Our Autumn talk at Browne’s Hospital was a return visit by Stuart Orme, talking about the Civil War in this area. A full house enjoyed a fascinating account of the effects of the war on this area, including the “Siege of Burghley”
The 2012 AGM was held on the 12th October, and was followed by a party to celebrate the efforts of those involved with the Society over the years.
In early September, the Society took part in the country-wide Heritage Day; details here.
A small group visited Southwell Minster on Saturday May 19th, and in spite of the weather had a highly enjoyable day.
On Saturday 7 April, we held a coffee morning at St. Leonard’s Priory, to see the display of spring bulbs planted to enhance the Priory site. This proved popular, and we hope to make it a regular event, possibly changing the time of year to see the Priory as the seasons change.
In March, Dai Morgan Evans, Professor of Archaeology at the University of Chester, spoke on “'From Great Casterton to Reality Television”.
At the end of February. Stephen Alford, Fellow in History at King’s College, Cambridge, talked on “William Cecil and Stamford”. A full house heard him describe Cecil’s involvement with Stamford. Copies of his recent bool were on sale afterwards.
Our second Arts Centre talk was by Christopher Lewis, the ex-executive producer of the Antiques Road Show who gave a highly entertaining talk entitled “A warm fire, a cup of tea and the Antiques Road Show”
Crispin Truman, Chief Executive of the Churches Conservation Trust delivered the first of our lectures at the Arts Centre on “The Churches Conservation Trust, protecting historic churches at risk.”
After her wonderful talk at Burghley in November 2010, we asked Gil Darby to talk again in 2011. This time, she spoke about Twentieth Century Jewellery to a packed meeting at Browne’s Hospital.
On October 24th, the Goldmark Gallery in Uppingham hosted a drinks party for members with the artist Peter Ashley who has produced a stunning Stamford capriccio in attendance to give a short talk about his work and promote the print. A significant part of the proceeds from print sales will go to the Civic Society.
The combined 2011 AGM and Awards evening was held in October.
A coach visit on September 8th to Newark proved memorable, with many people surprised at the wonderful Georgian buildings in the town. Members were shown around by Blue Badge Guides.
On July 19th, about 35 members enjoyed a private tour of Elton Hall, near Peterborough. Thanks to a tremendous thundery downpour we were not able to venture into the gardens, but members did enjoy looking at the furniture, paintings, silver and china in the house.
The end of June saw Civic Day, organised nationwide by Civic Voice. To celebrate, we arranged a debate at the Town Hall. In addition, children from Malcolm Sergeant’s school put together a quiz about Stamford; this was published in the Mercury on the 24th June.
Our first outing of 2011 was a full day visit to Ely on May 31, where Philip Dixon, the consultant archaeologist at the Cathedral gave us a talk and a guided tour of the Cathedral.
On March 22nd, we had a talk by Stuart Orme, Historic Interpretation Manager at Peterborough museum, on Norman Cross, the first British POW camp. About 50 members heard Stuart’s fascinating and beautifully illustrated talk.
On Tuesday November 23rd, one of our committee members, Gil Darby spoke on “Porcelain East to West: China to Burghley". The talk was given at Burghley in the Great Hall, and some of the porcelain that she was discussing was on show at the meeting. Afterwards, we had drinks in the Brewhouse, to end what was a delightful evening.
On Wednesday 20th October, we had a joint talk with the Men of the Stones. John Smith spoke on "Baroque Reinstated; neo baroque and classical architecture in the early twentieth century."
The 2010 AGM was on October 7th, at the Town Hall,, and was well attended. The speaker was Tony Burton, Director of Civic Voice, who explained the role of Civic Voice, which is the organisation that has replaced the Civic Trust.
In August, about 30 members visited Oundle, where we were shown round the town by a Blue Badge Guide.
On Thursday July 22nd, six gardens in Barn Hill were open. We did of course choose the one evening in a long time when it rained, but in spite of that, the gardens looked wonderful, and everybody enjoyed themselves. Our thanks to all those who opened their gardens for us.
Our Awards this year were a little different; we had a ‘Views Of The Future Competition’ for young people that aimed to encourage them to think creatively about and influence the future of the town. We asked the children to present their ideas about what they think Stamford might look like in the future and submit either a piece of artwork or a piece of writing. More information can be found on our Awards page.
On Tuesday June 1st a coach load of members visited Lincoln Cathedral, for a talk and guided tours by Dr Philip Dickson, the architectural advisor to several Cathedrals, including Lincoln.
On Wednesday June 16th, we visited Peter Heyes’ garden. Peter does a tremendous amount of planting round the town and this was a chance to see his own wonderful garden. All proceeds from this evening, amounting to about £200 went to the Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust.
In April 2010, we were delighted to welcome Elizabeth Inman, the Director of the Burghley Horse Trials, to talk about 50 years of three day eventing at Burghley. We were all fascinated, both by the details on the horses and the incredible amount of organisation and planning that goes into each year’s event.
On December 3rd, Professor Alan Rogers gave a talk titled “New light on the founding of Browne’s Hospital”.
In November, David Lee gave a fascinating talk on “The Tolethorpe Year” and the staging of the Summer Season there. It made us all look forward to the 2010 season.
The 2009 AGM was held on October 1st in the Town Hall. Our guest speaker was Desmond FitzGerald, Knight of Glin and Executive Director of the Irish Georgian Society, who came over from Ireland for the occasion. He spoke on the history of Irish Gardens.
9th June saw about 18 members paying a memorable visit to Uppingham School. We saw how the school had evolved from some of its oldest buildings, to interesting modern designs and even the building site that within a year will be new sports and science blocks.
On May 20th we returned to the ‘Eco House’ at the Walled Garden, Barnsdale. The weather was reasonably kind and members saw the spring flowers in all their glory, getting a very different view of the gardens from our previous visit.
On 17th March, we had a Guided tour of Peterborough Cathedral, followed by evensong for those who wished to attend. About 30 people went on the visit .
Our first event in 2009 was the 2009 Civic Society Awards Ceremony – to recognize high standards of design and craftsmanship in Stamford. This was a social evening, with lots of time to talk to other members over a glass of wine and light refreshments.
In November 2008, Wolfgang Buttress, the artist involved with the the Gateway Project, talked to an audience of over 60 at Browne’s Hospital. This was followed by a question and answer session. It was a fascinating insight in to how the Project was designed.
The 2008 AGM on September 18th was well attended, and the members thoroughly enjoyed a talk by Crispin Kelly, a builder and architect, on how modern houses should be designed.
The first of our 2008 summer events was a visit to the village of Irnham, where members enjoyed a tour of the Church and a visit to Irnham Hall. The second event in August was very different - a visit to the Eco house being built at Barnsdale, in a wonderful walled garden. Fortunately, the rain stopped just enough for this visit to be possible; we are returning to see the garden again in the Spring of 2009.
Our 2008 Spring talk was given by our President, Orlando Rock, in the Great Hall at Burghley. The talk’s title was “The Sale that never was”, about Dumfries House, a conservation success story.
Our Autumn lecture was given by Charles Crawford, a Landscape Architect and Urban Designer. Titled “Developments and Special Places: A study of two towns”, it compared developments in Stamford with Freiburg in Germany. About 50 people attended, and from the buzz of conversation afterwards, the talk was both enjoyable and thought-provoking.
The 2007 AGM was held on Thursday 27th September in the Town Hall, and was attended by about 50 members. The guest speaker was Peter Neal, Head of Public Space at the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the first Urban Conservation Area in the country in Stamford, the Society arranged a series of lectures in the Arts Centre during 2007:
Lady Victoria Leatham talked about 25 years of conservation at Burghley.
Quinlan Terry, one of the country's most distinguished architects - How to construct a stone building which will last for centuries
Clive Aslet, Editor at Large for Country Life - Some Landmarks of Britain Simon Thurley, Chief Executive of English Heritage - Goodbye England - does anyone out there care?
The last of the 40 years' celebration talks was given by our retiring Chairman, John Plumb.
September 8th and 9th was Heritage weekend, celebrated throughout the UK and Europe. To mark this, we arranged two walks on 9 September, which were enjoyed by about 20 people, one celebrating William Stukeley’s Stamford and the other Medieval Stamford.
On 16 August, a group of members visited Ayscoughfee Hall, Spalding. Lottery money in rural Lincolnshire has helped to restore this impressive late fifteenth century building, now the local museum and formal gardens.