Every two or three years, the Society presents Awards to recognise people who have preserved and enhanced the town.
Full details are on the 2018 awards page
- Peter Heyes: lifetime award for gardening services over very many years.
- Andrew Beeson: for renovating Cobblestone Yard.
- John Dawson: for carrying out renovations to the shopfront of Dawson’s of Stamford in Red Lion Square and erecting a 1.9m gilded statue of Mercury on the top of the premises, facing down High Street.
- Mr & Mrs John Spooner, volunteers from the congregation of St George's Church: for creating a beautifully planted garden around the Church.
- The Rotary Clubs of Stamford: for bulb planting in many places around the town.
- St. Austin’s, Austin Friars Lane (accepted by Mrs Joyce Brewin with son Martin Brewin): for maintenance of their attractive garden on Melancholy Walk.
- Sinclair’s, St Mary’s Street (accepted by Mrs L Bowskill & Mrs K Grey): for their consistently good shop front.
- Cummins’ Volunteers (accepted by Steve Earl with Kevin Earl): for riverside improvement.
- Skate Park Volunteer Group (accepted by Marcus Stanier with Sally Jordan, John Judge, Jane Roberts and Jeremy Ball): for providing a facility for teenagers.
- David Ellis, Collyweston slating expert: lifetime award for craftsmanship.
- Dave Baxter: for his book digitising Henry Traylen’s slides.
- Paul Eastwood: for media and photography services to the Society.
- David Collins: for craftsmanship in keeping Stamford’s buildings in pristine condition.
- Hambleton Bakery (accepted by Mr Hart): for their sympathetic renovation of the shop front at 1 Ironmonger Street.
- The Corn Exchange (accepted by Mr Lee, Managing Director, and Mr Jones, Company Secretary): for the renovation of the building.
- Crestwood and Frank Chapman, gardener (accepted by Martin Bust): for the cultivated verge in Church Lane.
- Peter Stevens: special award for services to the Society.
- Wolfgang Buttress: for the design of the Milestone on Red Lion Square.
- Ana Ruiz: for craftsmanship in carving the Milestone on Red Lion Square.
- Philip Heath: for the conversion of 22 Austin Street.
- Alan Short: for the refurbishment of 3 St Mary's Place, Stamford.
- E. Bowman & Sons Ltd: for the refurbishment of 3 St Mary's Place, Stamford.
- Peter Heyes: for plantsmanship in the greening of Stamford's open spaces.