How to renew your subscription
Subscriptions are due by 1 October each year. The current rate is £10, or £15 for two people at the same address.
If you joined after 1st May, you are not asked to pay again until 1 October in the following year.
If you joined after 1st May, you are not asked to pay again until 1 October in the following year.
Many members pay by Standing Order
It greatly reduces administration if you pay by Standing Order. Click here to download our Standing Order form (PDF, 228kB).
All the details you need are on the form. The form can be opened and printed in most web browsers, or you can download a PDF reader for your computer.
If you are not sure whether you already have a Standing Order, please contact The Secretary.
All the details you need are on the form. The form can be opened and printed in most web browsers, or you can download a PDF reader for your computer.
If you are not sure whether you already have a Standing Order, please contact The Secretary.
You can also pay by bank transfer
If you wish to pay by bank transfer, please use these details:
- sort code: 40-43-05
- account number: 00784591
Other ways to pay
If you wish to post a cheque to renew your subscription please send it to: The SCS Secretary, 20 Adelaide Street, Stamford PE9 2EN.
You can also pay at one of our evening events, by cash or cheque, made payable to "Stamford Civic Society".
You can also pay at one of our evening events, by cash or cheque, made payable to "Stamford Civic Society".