In this issue: plans for our Summer Party; projects involving town infrastructure, including maintenance of plaques and information boards; news of recent events; and local planning matters, including 'fast track' planning.
In this edition, normal newsletter service is resumed. The Chairman updates us on the roadmap out of COVID-19 restraints; and there is news of current projects, reports of recent talks, news of upcoming events; a Stamford Conservation Area planning update; and the usual membership statistics.
From the Chairman Our minor technical issues, and the temporary, plainer newsletter format, continue for this edition. Normal service will be resumed in due course!
As the bursting champagne bubbles tickled our noses welcoming New Year 2020 and we looked forward to a full year’s programme of distinctive Society events who would have thought that, after only two of these events, the roof would come crashing down on our well ordered and tranquil world. A new word ‘Covid-19’ would dominate our conversation and its incursion would become the driving force in totally reorganising our lives – restricting our freedoms and considerably increasing awareness of our vulnerability. However, in spite of the confusing and gloomy prospects, we have adapted well with the sterling efforts of community groups and individual stoicism and, very swiftly it seems, we are at the end of the year with ‘light at the end of the tunnel’. Our increased knowledge of the characteristics and treatment of the Virus together with Vaccine availability in the immediate term, allow considerable cause for optimism. Of course there are huge issues in addressing the national collateral damage but it does seem there is now a distinct possibility of ‘face-to-face’ meetings after Easter. In this edition: updates from the Chairman in these extraordinary times; project news; and Stamford Conservation Area planning news.
In this issue: an extended update from our Chairman; and updates on our projects and the Society's input to the consideration of planning applications.
In our Spring Newsletter, we have an update from the Chairman, a project update, a report on recent events and a summary of our involvement in planning applications.
In the year-end issue: an update from the Chairman; projects news; recent events; and the expanded 2020 programme.
In this month's newsletter: tributes to Gwyneth Gibbs; improved communications to members; and updates on events and projects.
In this month's newsletter, we introduce a new Secretary; give updates on some current projects; and cover recent and upcoming Society events.
In this issue, our Chairman gives an update on a fresh look at the Society's aims and management; we have news of recent and upcoming events; a call for ambassadors; and project updates from the Urban Group.
September 2024
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