This edition of our newsletter includes: a message from the new Chairman; forthcoming events; news of our Awards and farewells to the retiring Chairman and two other committee members; Urban Group updates; and a subscriptions reminder.
In this newsletter: a farewell from the outgoing Chairman and an introduction to Jim Mason, who will be standing for election at the forthcoming AGM; a subscriptions reminder; forthcoming events; recent photographic finds; and updates from the Urban Group.
In this issue: reports of our visit to Cambridge and the annual summer party; forthcoming events; news of our latest Blue Plaque, plans for an Article 4 Direction and Stamford in Bloom; and discussions about a project in Water Street.
In this newsletter: meeting reports; the search for a new Chairman; forthcoming events including a visit to Cambridge and the popular summer party; news about an SKDC heritage project; and updates from the Urban Group.
In this newsletter: a virtual exhibition on our website; newly-discovered photos of 1960s Stamford; an appreciation of Richard Barry; forthcoming events; and Society news, including proposals for Red Lion Square.
The Newsletter for November included reports of the AGM and the 50th Anniversary events, as well as news about the Urban Group and graffiti in the town.
Our September Newsletter included the annual subscription reminder and news about the forthcoming 50th anniversary celebrations, AGM and visits.
Our May newsletter reports on the annual members' meeting and includes a planning update and news about our events, especially plans for the 50th anniversary of the Conservation Area; recent improvements to the Albert Bridge; and the Society's publications.
This edition of the newsletter contains news about planning; forthcoming events, especially for the 50th anniversary of Stamford's designation as the first Conservation Area; graffiti; improvements to St Michael's Churchyard; the Albert Bridge; and lighting on the Town Bridge.
This edition includes a reminder about subscriptions; recent events, including our Awards; the Society's response to the Kier planning application; news about 2017 events; a call for local historians; news from the Urban Group about St Michael's churchyard; and information about the Society's notecards.
September 2024
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