Projects and campaigns
Currently no further progress but it remains our intention to illuminate St. John’s church before the winter.
Water Street Environmental Work
Due to recent changes in personnel at SKDC Planning department we are still awaiting advice regarding planning consent for the proposed tree and riverbank work.
Bronze Plaque restoration
It is proving very difficult and frustrating to secure the funding previously promised by Stamford Town Council. Our application for Skells Trust funding many months ago was rejected as the plaques are a STC asset and we were told that funding must come from them. The item was on their recent finance committee meeting, but we have received no response.
Blue plaques
Two further blue plaques have been suggested for Edward Blackstone and Frank and Evershed (Tod) Carter in recognition of their contribution to Stamford’s engineering industries and economy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Meadows bridges
We are investigating the re-painting at least of the bridge and riverbank railings owned by LCC and Anglian Water.
Horseshoe Lane/Sheepmarket archway
We are currently investigating installation of a decorative iron archway spanning the buildings at the bottom of Horseshoe Lane to define the approach into the town centre for visitors arriving from the rail station, bus station and car parks.
The intention is to give local college students the opportunity to provide their interpretation of a suitable design.
Early days but we think this would enhance the area and provide guidance to visitors.
Communications and media
We are considering a public event to market the Civic Society and explain who we are and what we do to improve awareness and widen membership.
We are also considering updating and reprinting The Stamford Children’s Town Trail leaflet for distribution throughout the town centre and local schools.
I have had meetings with Richard Cleaver, new leader of SKDC and Andy Croft, new Mayor of Stamford to improve communications with us.
Upcoming Events arranged by Ursula and Dianne are as follows:
Tuesday September 19th 7pm Town Hall
Talk/Presentation by Rhiannon Clarricoates on conservation techniques.
Members £5 Guests £10
Thursday October 19th 7pm Town Hall
Talk by Stamford Town Council new Conservation Officer Victoria Newton followed by our AGM and refreshments.
Wednesday 15th November 7pm United Reformed Church Hall
Talk by Heritage Lincolnshire followed by refreshments.
Members £5, Guests £10
Thursday 14th December 7pm Browne’s Hospital
A return visit by David Palmer, Auctioneer, for an entertaining and informative evening followed by refreshments.
Members Free, Guests £5
I hope you will support our events; guests are very welcome.
Stamford North development
We are currently liaising with SKDC and a professional planning expert to decide the most effective way of responding to this application which has major issues affecting Stamford.
And finally...
I therefore ask that all members consider if they, or anyone they know, has the time and capability and is willing to take on the role.
Andy Moore